The Labor Movement 1880 - 1930
The Workforce Immigrants Rural America
Life of a Factory Worker Long Hours Low Pay Few Breaks No Job Security Tenement Living Dangerous Working Conditions
Video: The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Emergence of Unions Organizations of workers created to improve wages & working conditions. Existed since 1778 Most Americans dislike unions Social Darwinism
Early Unions National Labor Union (NLU) Founded: 1866 - William Sylvis Skilled & Unskilled workers, farmers and reformers Excluded women & blacks Membership: 600,000 8 Hour work day
Early Unions Knights of Labor Founded: 1869 - Uriah Stephens Secret Society Child labor, public ownership of railroads, 8 hour work day 1879 – Terence Powderly Membership 700,000
Early Unions American Federation of Labor (AFL) Founded: 1886 – Samuel Gompers Skilled workers 1904 Membership: 1.75 million
Why Unions? Collective Bargaining Union & Management negotiate a contract that includes: Wages Hours Working Conditions Benefits Job Security
Tactics Used Against Unions (Weapons of Business) Fire Leaders Blacklists Yellow-Dog Contract Injunctions Lockouts Strikebreakers Public Opinion
Tactics Used By Unions (Weapons of Labor) Strike Boycott Picketing