Veterans Return Few Jobs, few benefits Not given compensation for the war No pensions, medical care
MEANWHILE While they are worse off, the rich have profited off the war… SAM HUGHES
THIS BEGINS TO MAKE THEM THINK… Are the rich getting rich… off the backs of the poor?
The veterans formed many veterans organizations between … Field Marshal Earl Haig urged them to merge and the Royal Canadian Legion was formed in 1925 to fight for veteran’s rights.
After the war, many jobs closed. Women were encouraged to return to household duties so that men could have the jobs. Of these positions, 1/3 were clerical in nature.
Men returned home to find no work, and were mad that they had fought in a bloody awful war and had no jobs. And business had made millions for rich.
Workers Price of goods SKYROCKETS Workers had taken lower wages to support the war, but after the war, the wages stay low. Long hours, terrible working conditions. Unions are formed to fight for workers rights.
WHAT IS A TRADE UNION? A UNION IS AN ORGANIZATION OF WORKERS, made to protect and increase the worker’s rights. Represents all the workers together… not there to help the employer.
WHAT IS A TRADE UNION? The idea behind a union is… WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. If we work together, we will be strong.
Philosophy Unions have left- wing ideologies. They are for WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, to defeat the upper class.
Due to what had happened in Russia, employers feared a new “Bolshevik Invasion” of North America.
Numerous Strikes The One Big Union forms in 1919 Western Union Leaders lead it Goal is to represent all workers More control over gov’t, industry New weapon: the General Strike General strike is a Large-scale strike involving workers from many different trades. The objective is to shut down a city or community until the employers cave in.
1919 Winnipeg General Strike Winnipeg was a hotbed of radical politics & unionism Massive support for OBU and socialist ideals. Add: negations Metal & Building industries Employers refuse to negotiate with unions. Unions ask trades and labour council for help. Take a vote on idea of general strike. 11,000 YES, 600 NO
The strike is supposed to be peaceful. They shut down almost all services in Winnipeg.
Supported by: trades/building railway/factory workers police firefighters postal workers cooks/waiters tailors 30,000 walk out Opposed by: Citizens Committee of One Thousand Business leaders Politicians Industrialists _________________ & RACISTS They saw the strikers as Bolsheviks trying to overthrow the government. The federal government intervened.
Great War Vets’ Association blames it on “Alien Enemy”
Federal Government: Immigration Act Amended: Deported all foreign workers & union leaders
Strike lasts 6 weeks until: Winnipeg Mayor hires new police & arrests union leaders Workers gather downtown to protest Mounted Police & special police sent out Armed with pistols and clubs, they beat the protesters. One dies. Finally, strikers return to work. RESULT: THE STRIKERS LOST. UNIONS SUFFER A SETBACK. Many workers only rehired after promising not to join a union.