Alpha In Mathematics Often represents angles in algebra. In statistics, the significance level when a Normal Distribution is used. Alpha Radiation Angular acceleration In Zoology, used to name dominant individual in wolf or dog pack. In Science
Beta Beta Radiation In Science
Gamma In Mathematics Gamma Radiation in nuclear physics. Heat Capacity Ratio in thermodynamics. Surface Energy in materials science. In Science
Epsilon In MathematicsIn Science
Zeta In Mathematics The damping ratio of an oscillating system. Effective nuclear charge on an electron. In Science
Eta In MathematicsIn Science
Theta In Mathematics The potential temperature in Meteorology. In neuroscience, Brain Signal Frequency ranging from 4-8Hz. In Science
Iota In Mathematics
Kappa In Mathematics In Chemistry, the compressibility of a compound. In Science
Lambda In MathematicsIn Science
Mu In Mathematics The elementary particles called the muon and antimuon. The chemical potential of a system in thermodynamics. In Science
Nu In MathematicsIn Science
Xi In Mathematics Eigenvectors. The ‘universal set’ in set theory. Often used to denote random variables in statistics. The correlation function in astronomy. Potential difference in Physics (in Volts). In Science
Omicron In Mathematics Originally used in ‘Big O’ notation, which describes how a function asymptotically grows, although a normal ‘O’ is preferred. The 13 th biggest star in a constellation group. In Science
Pi In Mathematics
Rho In MathematicsIn Science
Sigma In MathematicsIn Science
Tau In MathematicsIn Science
Upsilon In Science
Phi In Mathematics The aromatic functional group in organic chemistry. Porosity in geology. In Science
Chi In Mathematics In chemistry, the mole fraction and electronegativity. The optic chiasm in neurology (due to its shape resembling the letter) In Science
Psi In MathematicsIn Science
Omega In MathematicsIn Science