CRITICAL Involving careful judgement or observation (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)


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Presentation transcript:

CRITICAL Involving careful judgement or observation (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)

CRITIQUE [ORIGIN French, ult. from Greek kritikē (sc. tekhnē) the critical art, criticism.] 1 Criticism; esp. the art of criticism. R. Bentley “I do not expect from our Editors much sagacity in way of Critic.” 2 A criticism; esp. a critical analysis, article, or essay. M17. G. Steiner The student and the person interested in the current of literature reads reviews and critiques of books rather than the books themselves. E. Fromm “Marx's whole critique of capitalism and his vision of socialism.”

Novel Any of a number of tales or fictional narratives making up a larger short work, as in the Decameron of Boccaccio, the Heptameron of Marguerite of Valois, etc.; a short narrative of this type. Usu. in pl.. A fictitious prose narrative or tale of considerable length (now usu. one long enough to fill one or more volumes),


ECJ (what it does) ensures that EU legislation is interpreted and applied in the same way in each Member State. (The Legislation always is to be identical for all parties and in all circumstance) checks the legality of the actions of the EU institutions, ensures that the Member States comply with their obligations, and interprets EU law at the request of national courts

It has the power to settle legal disputes between Member States, EU institutions, businesses and individuals. To cope with the many thousands of cases it receives, it is divided into two main bodies: the Court of Justice, which deals with requests for preliminary rulings from national courts, certain actions for annulment and appeals and the General Court, which rules on all actions for annulment, brought by private individuals and companies and some such actions brought by Member States.

A specialised tribunal, the Civil Service Tribunal, also adjudicates in disputes between the EU and its civil servants.

ECJ STRUCTURE Court of Justice: One Judge from each EU Member State; eight Advocates General General Court: One Judge from each EU Member State Civil Service Tribunal: Seven Judges Location: Luxembourg

204 Members since 1952: 131 Members, Court of Justice 61 Members, General Court (since 1989) 12 Members, Civil Service Tribunal (since 2005) Court of Justice: 28 Judges 8 Advocates General 1 Registrar

General Court: - 28 Judges - 1 Registrar Civil Service Tribunal: - 7 Judges - 1 Registrar

judgments and orders delivered since 1952: - Court of Justice, roughly General Court, roughly (since 1989) - Civil Service Tribunal, roughly 900 (since 2005)

Linguistic Services posts: 924 (Translation) + 80 (Interpretation) = 48 % of the Institution's staff: lawyer linguists - 24 official languages of the Union language combinations pages translated annually

Budget EUR 354,88 Million for 2013

Library volumes : - 10 km of volumes on the shelves - 24 official languages of the Union and certain third country languages Books on: - European Union law - international law - comparative law - national laws - general theory of law economics - politics - social and administrative sciences - library science

EUR-lex provides direct free access to European Union law. And the Official Journal of the European Union AND the treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals. extensive search facilities available on EUR-Lex.