Our Global World Our Global World Lori Patterson Woodruff Elementary School 3 rd Grade
Where You Live n City
Where You Live n City n County
Where You Live n City n County n State
n City n County n State n Country Where You Live
n City n County n State n Country n Continent Where You Live
NORTHERN HEMISPHERE n The n The Equator divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Equator Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
n City n County n State n Country n Continent n Hemispheres
n City n County n State n Country n Continent n Hemisphere n Planet
Citizen is related to the word city. A citizen is a person who lives in a place and is entitled to the privileges of that city, county, state, country, continent, hemisphere, or planet.
You are a citizen of... n Your n Your City County State Country Continent Hemispheres Planet
You are a global citizen!
Take care of your home!