Language Projects iMovie (iPAD app) Movie Maker (windows software) Turn photos and videos into movies Incorporates reading, writing, speaking, listening Develop teacher and student-chosen new vocabulary
Role of Native Language at Home Ortiz & Ordonez-Jasis (2005) Language is one of the strongest elements in one’s self definition as an individual and a social being Honor the native language Schools should Provide access to reading material in the family’s home language and encourage adults to read to their children in that language Conduct family literacy workshops to demonstrate activities Communicate important of oral language, especially since many parents are not literate in primary language, through rhymes, songs, oral history, folklore
More Suggested Activities for Increased Interaction Write and Tell Students write down answers first and then share out Gallery Walk of Questions Teacher or students posts questions around room for students to find and discuss, mark comments, reflect Reader’s Theatre Teacher-provided or short student-written Four Corners Give four topics and have students go to those areas, discuss, share out I.e. Lesson about food chain, teachers gives four climates for students to discuss the food chains located there
Question Formulation Technique Give a topic, photo etc. as a introduction or idea generating process, students will 1) Think and record as many questions as possible 2) Improve questions (i.e. close v. open ended) 3) Prioritize questions 4) Decide on next steps 5) Reflect
Question Formulation Technique USA Today Day in Pictures Why? Where? How come? What if? I wonder why…
Wait Time Life Saver Teacher demonstrates purpose of life saver and students call on the lifesaver in class to have more time, confer with a partner Hands Up 7 Up Wait for a specific # to raise, stand before calling
Teacher Observation Tools Administrators How does your observation tool attend to the speaking and listening skills of the students? Interaction levels? eleot from AdvancEd is a learner centric tool that contains competencies such as: Student demonstrates or verbalizes understanding of the lesson or content (Progress Monitoring and Feedback) Student has several opportunities to engage in discussions with teacher and other students (Active Learnings)
Contact Information Nathan Williamson East Central Educational Service