Prisms & Cylinders Development with a cut surface 1 J. Byrne 2014
Development with a cut surface You are now going to combine what you have learned in the previous two lessons to complete this one. The development is still carried out the same but the heights of each face will be determined by the cut surface. 2 J. Byrne 2014
Draw the surface development of a Hexagonal shaped with a side of 33mm & height of 100 mm 3 J. Byrne 2014
Draw the development straight across from the elevation. We know the height is 100mm and that each side is 33mm so we step this distance off 6 times to find the length of the development. 4 J. Byrne 2014
The surface development wrapping around the solid 5 J. Byrne 2014
Draw the plan and elevation and put in the generators. Project each generator to the cut surface. 6 J. Byrne 2014 True cut surface
Project lines out at 90º from cut surface. Take measurements from plan and draw in true cut surface.. 7 J. Byrne 2014 True cut surface
Project lines across to end view to draw cut surface. 8 J. Byrne 2014 End View showing cut surface
Draw the development straight across from the elevation. Mark the heights of each generator. 9 J. Byrne 2014 Development showing cut surface