Booster/Refresher Training: Lesson Plans for Teaching Expectations/Rules Benchmarks of Quality Items #
2 Teaching Behavior is Essential to our Success Do students already have the appropriate skills? skill deficits Do students know when to use skills? performance deficits Are teachers responding inconsistently to the same problem behavior? Are the skills taught in context? Are skills rewarded and encouraged consistently? learn a new behavior = repeat an average of 8 times unlearn an old behavior and replace it with a new behavior = repeat an average of 28 times (Harry Wong)
3 Building the Core Curriculum Students will require different curricula, instructional modalities, etc. to learn appropriate behavior How is your core curriculum ongoing & systematic? How do you inform new students? New faculty? How do you remind existing students? How do you apply knowledge/skills to new situations? What is encouraged across faculty? How is teaching the core everyone’s responsibility? How are you building a common language? USE YOUR DATA to identify and analyze the problems
Look at your BoQ Data
5 Data Review How did your team score on Items on the BoQ? What is working? What needs to be improved?
When do you need to teach the expectations and rules to prevent problems from occurring? Use your Data
Based on the ODRs, what expectations and rules need to be taught for prevention? Use your Data
Where do you need to focus most of the teaching of expectations and rules on campus? Use your Data
When do the expected behaviors need to be taught across campus? Use your Data
10 Related Activities Lesson Plans You may want to revisit this activity
11 The behavioral curriculum is NOT separate What existing initiatives support behavior? Have you incorporated the school expectations? How did you embed with academic lessons? Did you develop a lesson plan bank for ease of use across faculty? How was teaching incorporated during discipline? Is teaching still occurring despite being sent to the office? How are students taught what to do “right” the next time they are in the same situation? Are lesson times on the master schedule? When? Did your team examine sample permanent products? How and when are students and faculty interviewed about teaching behavior on campus?
12 Implementation Tips (and faculty buy-in) How will you emphasize the link between behavior & academics? How and with whom will you have conversations about their concerns and philosophy regarding teaching behavior? Have you identified times in the master schedule where everyone will teach? Refer to Alachua’s Curriculum Pacing Guide on the Coaches’ CD How will students get involved in the development and delivery of lessons? How do you plan to inform new faculty?
13 Action Plan! Refine Lesson Plans for Teaching Record action items for low-scoring Benchmarks items (29-34) Record action items to inform/involve your stakeholders (faculty, students, families) Implementation Tips may help BoQ Element: Lesson Plans for Teaching Expectations & Rules