Monday, Oct. 12
Today: Work Day Title Slide: Name, date, hour, picture Next Slide: a favorite quote Next 10 slides: one each for a bucket list item: picture and words to sum it up Last Slide: another favorite quote
Tuesday, Oct. 13:
Before free-reading a contemporary novel by Sherman Alexie…
Wednesday, Oct. 14:
Please turn-in your “OT Background” research notes Not done? Yes, they are late and will be docked points I have 10 computers reserved in the lab only this hour You will need to make-up the reading time during Academic Seminar next week Please turn-in your “OT Background” research notes Not done? Yes, they are late and will be docked points I have 10 computers reserved in the lab only this hour You will need to make-up the reading time during Academic Seminar next week