10/11/2015European Investment Bank Group1 EIB Advisory Services Simon Barnes 10 th November 2015
10/11/2015European Investment Bank Group2 EIB Advisory Services Bilateral services to MS/MAs Enhance use of EU funds Support for projects and investments Improve access to finance Capacity building and awareness raising InnovFin Advisory Project preparation and implementation Support to PPPs Capacity building activities Upstream policy support EIB Advisory Services – an integrated offer
10/11/2015European Investment Bank Group3 What fi-compass offers 3 Awareness raising and networking 1 Step-by-step process guidance and manuals 4 Access to a single knowledge hub for Managing Authorities, the general public, potential bodies implementing FIs, private and public investors interested in co- investment opportunities, entrepreneurs or enterprises, or for other potential final recipients. ► fi-compass offers: Public events (EU conferences, thematic seminars/workshops, networking events), but also promotional campaigns (social media), etc. throughout the entire life cycle of ESIF FIs, consistent with regulatory provisions, evidence-based practice and the realities of ESIF Managing Authorities. This includes ESI Fund-specific guidance. ► fi-compass offers: Information brochures, Handbooks, Case studies and examples of good practice, audio-visual materials to ensure (timely and targeted) availability of information and methodological advice. ► fi-compass offers: Knowledge Management Hub (web portal), Newsletters, FAQ, specific publications, etc. 2Learning opportunities to further the necessary understanding & skills in the market ► fi-compass offers: Face to Face Training (for EC staff and in MS), E- learning opportunities
10/11/2015European Investment Bank Group4 The Advisory Hub in the Investment Plan Investment Plan for Europe Support investment in the real economy …through the European Investment Advisory Hub and the European Investment Project Portal Mobilize EUR 315bn of additional financing …through the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) Create an investment friendly environment …through improvements of the European regulatory environment
10/11/2015European Investment Bank Group5 Technical project support throughout the cycle Support to Financial Instruments Financial structuring advice Existing advisory programmes and activities European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) New investment support also in areas relevant to the scope of EFSI (could be delivered by EIB advisory or operational teams) Addressing needs as they arise Network of institutions incl. EIB Group, European Commission, National Promotional Banks, etc. Integrated collaboration model Additional advisory and technical assistance EIAH’s partner institutions’ expertise SUPPLY Access point Delivery channels Project promoters Public authoritiesMember StatesPrivate sector DEMAND Web content + Web portal + Support team How does the Advisory Hub work?
10/11/2015European Investment Bank Group6 Implications of the Hub for JASPERS & its clients….. 1.MAs/Commission No change to core mission or commitment to quality Same people, same service JASPERS will continue to advise and support ESIF major projects ….but we also aim to leverage this available expertise to the benefit of the Hub…. 2.Added Value from the Hub ….EC and EIB have therefore agreed on JASPERS contribution based on additional resources for additional tasks….. Expanding the envelope of service, because most projects don’t fit neatly into one single box Potential support earlier/later in project cycle beyond normal JASPERS scope Smaller and/or heterogeneous schemes, not necessarily supported by ESIF More flexibility, access to wider expertise and other instruments
7 Would you like to know more? European Investment Advisory Hub fi-compass knowledge hub