Harpreet. K. Dhiman 05/22/06
Garp-2 expression in HEK293S cells A total of 50 plates used. 1.25* 10 9 cells were used to express Garp-2 protein. Already screened stable cell line clone was expanded. The cells were induced by using tetracycline (2 g/ml) and sodium Butyrate (5mM) followed by harvesting of cells after 2 days. Purification using strep-Tactin sepharose gravity flow column.
Garp-2 expression in Tetracycline inducible Cos-1 cells A total of 50 plates used. 1.25* 10 9 cells were used to express Garp-2 protein. DEAE-Dextran method was used for transfection. Cells were harvested after 3 days. Purification using strep-Tactin sepharose gravity flow column.
Garp-2 expression in baculovirus expression system. 1.25* 10 9 cells were used to express Garp-2 protein. MOI 8 (multiplicity of infection)was used to infect the sf-9 insect cells in exponential phase Cells were harvested after 3 days. Purification using strep-Tactin sepharose gravity flow column.
Western blot of Garp-2 expression from three systems using equivalent amount of cells. Garp-2 antibody was made against a peptide from c-terminus of Garp-2 ( ). From: Korschen, H. G., M. Beyermann, et al. (1999). "Interaction of glutamic-acid-rich proteins with the cGMP signalling pathway in rod photoreceptors." Nature 400(6746): Figure 1: Western blot analysis of StrepTag-Garp-2 protein expression from Bac-Bac baculovirus expression system by sf-9 cells, transient transfection by Cos-1 cells and stable HEK293S cells. To detect the protein an antibody against a peptide from c- terminus of Garp-2 ( ) was used. In the first sf-9 cells lane, purified recombinant Garp-2 was diluted 1:100 and 10 l was loaded. In the next lane, 10 l Garp-2 protein from Cos-1 cells, followed by 40 l protein from HEK-293S cells was loaded directly without dilution.
Stains-All gel of Garp-2 expression from three systems using equivalent amount of cells. Figure 1: The Stains-All gel of purified recombinant Garp-2 protein HEK293S, Cos-1 and sf-9 cells. In the first and second lane, 40µl of purified recombinant Garp-2 from HEK293S and Cos-1 cells was loaded followed by 5 µl Grap-2 from sf-9 cell.
Western blot of purified Garp-2 expression from three systems using equivalent amount of cells. Garp-2 antibody used for western blot was obtained from Germany. The antibody was made against a peptide from c-terminus of Garp-2 ( ). Source:From: Korschen, H. G., M. Beyermann, et al. (1999). "Interaction of glutamic-acid-rich proteins with the cGMP signalling pathway in rod photoreceptors." Nature 400(6746): M Cos-1 10ulSf-9 ( 1:10) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:50) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:100) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:100) 20ul Sf-9 ( 1:100) 30ulSf-9 ( 1:50) 20ul HEK 40ulCos-1 5ul
Coomassie stained PVDF membrane after transfer of Garp-2 protein from gel to membrane. M Sf-9 1ulSf-9 2ul Sf-9 4ul M HEK 10ul Cos-1 10ul HEK 10ulCos-1 10ul
Western blot of purified Garp-2 expression from three systems using equivalent amount of cells. M Cos-1 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:10) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:50) 10ulSf-9 ( 1:100) 10ulSf-9 ( 1:100) 20ulSf-9 ( 1:100) 30ulSf-9 ( 1:50) 20ul HEK 40ul Cos-1 5ul Sterp-tactin HRP conjugate from IBA GmbH company was used for detection of sterp- tagged protein.
Comparison M Cos-1 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:10) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:50) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:100) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:100) 20ul Sf-9 ( 1:100) 30ul Sf-9 ( 1:50) 20ul HEK 40ul Cos-1 5ul M Cos-1 10ulSf-9 ( 1:10) 10ul Sf-9 ( 1:50) 10ulSf-9 ( 1:100) 10ulSf-9 ( 1:100) 20ulSf-9 ( 1:100) 30ulSf-9 ( 1:50) 20ul HEK 40ulCos-1 5ul