Changes in glutamine synthetase activity and in protein pattern of wheat leaves after Fusarium infection Attila Pécsváradi Zoltán Nagy, Edit Németh Dept. of Plant Biology, University of Szeged
Glutamine synthetase GS, EC In vivo biosynthetic reaction: NH L-glutamate + ATP L-glutamine + ADP + P i
Eukaryotic GS
Introduction Technical aspects: in vitro activity detection separation by PAGE identification of isoforms Physiological aspect: senescence: indicator of stress
Detection of GS In vitro synthetase reaction : NH 2 OH + L-glutamate + ATP -glutamyl hydroxamate + ADP + P i
Polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis
Natív PAGE western blot activity in gel Coomassie staining Nondenaturing PAGE
GS isoforms in wheat RootChloroplastLeaf
Nondenaturing PAGE GS (western blot)Rubisco (CBB staining) Controls1a 2aControls1a 2a GS1 GS2
Nondenaturing PAGE - Protein content Rubisco (CBB staining) Controls1a 2a
Nondenaturing PAGE - GS GS (western blot) Controls1a 2a GS1 GS2
IEF (isoelectric focusing) pH gradient pH 10.5 pH 3.2 pH 5.5
Natív PAGE IEF - Density plot 501 K 501 1a
Natív PAGE IEF - Density plot 474 K 474 1a
Natív PAGE IEF - Density plot 483 K 483 1a
IEF - Density plot 488 K 488 1a
Natív PAGE 2D IEF SDS Silver staining
Natív PAGE 2D 474 K 474 1a
Summary Fusarium infection: decrease of in vitro GS → accelerated senescence decrease of protein content → accelerated senescence decrease of Rubisco → breakdown of chloroplast decrease of GS2 → breakdown of chloroplast 2D pattern: protein degradation 2D pattern: new dominant spots Fusarium strains : virulence is different
Summary GS activity / FWGS activity / protein Sensitivity for 1a (F. culmorum): 501 >> 474 488 >> 483 Sensitivity for 2a (F. graminearum): 483 501 >>> 474 = 488 Inhibition (%)
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