專 題 討 論 題目: The Green Guide to David Suzuki’s Nature Challenge Nature Challenge姓名:張聖懿 學號: D 指導教授:胡子陵教授 中 華 民 國 九 十 二 年 十 月 九 日
Content Introduction Home : Live Clean Food : Eat local and Lean Transportation : Go Green Stay Informed, Get Involved
Introduction What we do to nature we do to ourselves. We need clean water, fresh air and wholesome foods to nourish our bodies. Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
Home : Live Clean ( 1/5 ) Our homes reflect our environmental values. Pic.1 Residential Energy Use.
Home : Live Clean ( 2/5 ) Environmental Impacts Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels Nuclear Energy Nuclear Energy Hydroelectric Power Hydroelectric Power Environmental Impact of Homes Environmental Impact of Homes
Home : Live Clean ( 3/5 ) Pic.2 Profile of Electricity Generation and Greenhouse Gas Emission in Canada.
Home : Live Clean ( 4/5 ) Tab.1 Environmental Impacts by Energy Source in Canada.
Home : Live Clean ( 5/5 ) The environmental impact of our homes is not restricted to energy use. Within Canada, new residential developments have led to the loss of wildlife habitats and valuable agricultural lands.
What can we do? ( 1/5 ) Find ways to reduce your home heating & electricity use by 10% this year. Energy used for space heating can be reduced as follows : Applying weather stripping and caulking. Applying weather stripping and caulking. Improving roof insulation. Improving roof insulation. Insulating floors and basements. Insulating floors and basements. Installing storm windows/doors. Installing storm windows/doors.
What can we do? ( 2/5 ) Simple Ways : Using drapes or blinds that completely cover your windows. Using drapes or blinds that completely cover your windows. For large patio doors or windows, using plants as an attractive means to insulate and shade your home. For large patio doors or windows, using plants as an attractive means to insulate and shade your home. Planting trees and bushes can accomplish the same thing. Planting trees and bushes can accomplish the same thing.
What can we do? ( 3/5 ) There are other ways to save energy : Energy savings from using microwaves may be diminished if frequently used for defrosting and warming. Energy savings from using microwaves may be diminished if frequently used for defrosting and warming. Give your clothes dryer a break by using a clothesline during the summer and a drying rack in the winter. Give your clothes dryer a break by using a clothesline during the summer and a drying rack in the winter. Only use your dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer when you have full loads. Only use your dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer when you have full loads. Turn off appliances, lights and electrical equipment such as computers, when not in use. Turn off appliances, lights and electrical equipment such as computers, when not in use.
What can we do? ( 4/5 ) Choose an energy-efficient home and appliances. R-2000 & Energy Star R-2000 & Energy Star Replace chemical pesticides on your lawn, garden & houseplants with non- toxic alternatives. By designing your garden with native. By designing your garden with native.
What can we do? ( 5/5 ) Tab.2 Lifetime Saving in Energy, Bills and Carbon Dioxide Emission from New Appliances.
Food : Eat local and Lean ( 1/3 ) Environmental Impacts Meat and Poultry Meat and Poultry Fruits, Vegetables and Grains Fruits, Vegetables and Grains Erosion is one of the greatest problems facing land resources today.
Food : Eat local and Lean ( 2/3 ) Tab.3 Estimated Quantity of Water and Grain Required to Produce Various Foodstuffs.
Food : Eat local and Lean ( 3/3 ) Tab.4 Water Needed to Maintain Typical Diets Around The World.
What can we do? ( 1/3 ) Choose at least one day a week to eat meat-free meals in your household. When you do eat meat and fish here are some good rules to follow : When you do eat meat and fish here are some good rules to follow : Organic meat is best since organic farms are generally smaller and don’t use the antibiotics and hormones conventional livestock operations do. Organic meat is best since organic farms are generally smaller and don’t use the antibiotics and hormones conventional livestock operations do. Don’t eat farmed salmon. Don’t eat farmed salmon. Make sure you’re not buying endangered species or fish from areas. Make sure you’re not buying endangered species or fish from areas.
What can we do? ( 2/3 ) Pic.3 Meat Consumption by Continent.
What can we do? ( 3/3 ) Prepare your meals with food from local farmers and producers for one month this year. To minimize the distance between field and table.
Healthy Environment = Healthy Canadians Eat Lean & Eat Locally
TRANSPORTATION: Go Green Environmental Impacts Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide Oxides of nitrogen Oxides of nitrogen Sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Airborne particulates Airborne particulates
What can we do? ( 1/3 ) Check the Canadian Government’s Auto Smart ratings for the next car you intend to buy to make sure it’s fuel- efficient and low polluting. Walk, bike, carpool or use transit to get to one of your regular destinations each week.
What can we do? ( 2/3 ) If you are moving, choose a home within a 30-minute bike, walk or transit ride from your daily destinations. Contact your local media or government, urging improved public transit and bike paths.
What can we do? ( 3/3 ) Tab.5 Annual Travel by Private and Public Transportation in Global Cities, 1990.
Healthy Environment = Healthy Canadians Transportation is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, which cause serious health problems.
Stay Informed, Get Involved! Learn more about conserving nature and share what you’ve learned with family & friends.
The End Thanks For Your Listening!