C HURCH OF G OD Community Hong Kong
For All You’ve done My Savior, Redeemer Lifted me from the miry clay Almighty forever I will never be the same
‘Cause You came near From the everlasting To the world we live The Father’s only Son
C HORUS You lived and You died You rose again on high You opened the way For the world to live again Hallelujah - for all You’ve done
Y OU, Y OU A RE G OD Here I am, I've come to find You Here I am, to see Your grace To bring to You an offering I have to ask myself one thing How can I do anything but praise, I praise
C HORUS You, You are God, You are Lord You are all I'm living for You are King of everything I want my life to praise You (REPEAT)
V ERSE T WO Here I am, I've come to thank You Here I am, a life You've changed Because You gave Your life for me You crucified Your Son for me How can I do anything but praise, I praise
That’s Why We Praise Him He came to live, live a perfect life He came to be the Living Word, our Light He came to die so we’d be reconciled He came to rise to show His power and might
That’s Why We praise Him That’s why we praise Him, that’s why we sing That’s why we offer him our everything That’s why bow down and worship this King Cause He gave His everything
V ERSE T WO He came to live, live again in us He came to be our conquering King and Friend He came to heal and show the lost ones His love He came to go prepare a place for us
B RIDGE Halle Hallelujah
S O Y OU W OULD C OME Before the world began, You were on His mind And every tear you’ve cried Is precious in His eyes Because of His great love He gave His only Son And everything was done so You would come
There’s nothing You can do That could make Him love You more And nothing that You’ve done That could make Him close the door Because of His great love, He gave His only Son And everything was done, So You would come
C HORUS Come to the Father, Though your gift is small Broken hearts, broken lives, He will take them all And the power of His Word, the power of His love Everything was done, So You would come