Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution was sparked by the Renaissance, which caused the spirit of curiosity in many fields of Science and Mathematics. The Scientific Revolution really occurred when people started to question the geocentric theory, the theory that the Earth was the center of the universe. They said that the facts that had been backing up the claim that the Earth was the center of the universe, because it didn’t explain the movements of the sun, moon, and the planets. As Scientists started to come up with theories and facts to back them up many Scientists started to develop a new approach to science called the scientific method. Scientific method is a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. It was difficult for many Mathematicians and Scientists to share their theories with society because of the conflicts with the church. The church was frightened by many of the Scientist’s and Mathematician’s theories that counteracted against the churches teachings and authority. They were afraid that if some of the church teachings were wrong that the church would start to lose authority. So they started to shun the Scientists and Mathematicians, which caused many people who were followers of the Catholic and Protestant churches to shun the Scientists and Mathematicians like Galileo Galilei, who was put into prison for the rest of his life because he had tried to teach to people how the sun was the center of the earth and facts to prove it. “Galileo was never again a free man. He lived under house arrest and died in 1642 at his villa near Florence.”
Scientists vs. society Scientists and Mathematicians found it almost impossible to share their theories and facts with society because of how the church made them look to their followers. The church was afraid of the Scientists and Mathematicians findings, because it questioned their authority and their beliefs and it caused many of their followers to wonder if one of their beliefs was wrong, how many others were? The church wouldn’t allow the Scientists and Mathematicians to cause their authority to decline, so they imprisoned some of the Scientists, like Galileo Galilei and they tried to intimidate other Scientists, so they wouldn’t publish their works into books or manuscripts. Society didn’t really treat many of the wonderful and bright Scientists and Mathematicians very good, they were imprisoned and treated horribly because of the churches greed for their authority and power.
Favorite quote My favorite quote is the one Galileo Galilei made right before he was charged and put under house arrest. It said: “With sincere heart and unpretended faith I abjure, curse, and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies [of Copernicus] and also every error…contrary of the Holy Church, and I swear that in the future I will never again say or assert…anything that might cause a similar suspicion toward me.” This is my favorite quote because Galileo is saying this because he is afraid for his life, but he is also apologizing and not saying directly, but he is saying that the church has scared him to the brink of sadness because of his theories and beliefs in the facts he has put together, just because they don’t want to lose their power.