Connection Beth Potter SC District Transition Specialist
Connection The South Central District is a …. of United Methodists serving together in Jesus Christ. We create and shepherd vital Wesleyan church communities to further the Kingdom of God near & far.
Observations Around the Connection Balance Pastoring & Prophesying Your Laity want and need you to equip AND gently push them into servanthood Focus on the Great Commission Churches focusing on growing rather than spreading the Gospel tend to become inwardly focused & lose sight of their mission—starting the unintended “death spiral” Actively participate in the connection You are needed. Your best practices and expertise are needed to bring the church into the future. VITAL CHURCHES
Connection Coming this Fall: Evangelism & Mission
Your Connection ? Is your church bursting with great ministry? Or is it time to add some fresh spices? Beth Potter SC District Transition Specialist
Vital Church Tools: Mission Vital Signs Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations By Robert Schnase Mission Vital Signs are NOT about numbers! Mission Vitals ARE about having a robust ministry evidenced by five fundamental practices critical to all vibrant, growing, fruitful congregations. “These edgy words focus us on the appropriate work that helps us fulfill the mission of church. Congregations offer the invitation and welcome of Christ, provide worship that connects us to God and to one another, offer opportunities for people to grow in Christ by learning in community, relieve suffering and improve the conditions of people in need through service and mission, and teach people to give of themselves.”
Vital Church Tools : Healthy Church Assessment
Vital Church Tools: MissionInsite Demographics Drive Time Indicator Congregation Plotting Mosaics
Vital Church Tools: MissionInsite Program & Ministry Preferences Life Concerns Reasons for Non- Participation — Inside & Outside the Church
Vital Church Tools: Mosaics People have differing expectations of their spiritual leaders – Educational or transformational or inspirational or…? Leadership Preference for greeting, food, introductions Hospitality Preference guided by nature of the blessing from worship not simply the style of worship Worship Choices are guided by level of education, media preferences, cultural backgrounds, and peer relationships. Education Each tends to value different kinds of small group affinities and organize their groups in distinctive ways. Small Groups Each lifestyle segment tends to focus on different kinds of mission service. Outreach People may have individual likes regarding visual symbols that express vision and faith. Property & Technology Each has preferred fundraising & investment strategies with expectations of money management. Stewardship/Financial Management Each lifestyle segment tends to rely on distinct kinds of media to receive and transmit information. Communication Created by Tom Bandy based upon Mosaic Research
Vital Church Tools : Leadership Style Self Assessment