Best accessible on Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox
Click on create an account
Fill the relevant details. * boxes are mandatory
Click on Register
The above notification will come. Go to your and verify on link given to activate your account.
After verification is done, Sign in to visit the site.
Login with your id and password as given by you when creating account
Congratulations…. you can now access the site
To see & participate in events, click on EVENTS
Select your event and click on “ To participate – Register Here”
Select your age group, click on “I accept…..” and click JOIN
You will be directed on Pay U money site for payment gateway. All fields are filled. You have to check and click on SUBMIT
Tick on I am new to PAYUMONEY Enter your password Click on Continue
You are now on payment gateway Verify your amount Select mode of payment
Mention relevant details and click on make payment
It will take you for verification
Once payment is successful, this message will come
Your Registration is complete. In Registered Events, see your status as GOING
Thank You Rotary Club of Mumbai, Ghatkopar