Chapter 17 Sec. 4: Catholics & Protestants I.Counter- Reformation A.Under Pope Paul III, the Catholic Church began reform at the council at Trent, near Rome. B. Seminaries, or special schools, were created to train priests for the Catholic Church. C. Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the Jesuits. Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus, were the pope’s agents in Europe. They often taught, preached, and fought heresy-religious beliefs that contradict what the Church says is true.
D. In France, although many of the lower class were Catholic, many of the French nobility were Protestant. French Protestants were known as Huguenots. E. A civil war broke out in France between the Catholics and the Protestants, which lasted more than 30 years. F. Henry of Navarre, leader of the Huguenots and head of the Bourbon family, became Henry IV. Henry agreed to become Catholic. He issued the Edict of Nantes-recognized Catholicism as France’s official religion; but also gave Huguenots the right to worship. G. Another conflict that happened was the Thirty Years’ War. It was fought between Catholics and the Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire from
II. The English Reformation A. During the 1400s, the Tudor family gained control of England. Under Henry VIII, Henry’s wife failed to give him a male heir. He asked the pope to annul his marriage, so he could remarry. The pope refused. B. Henry asked the highest religious official in England, the archbishop of Canterbury, to annul the marriage. The pope then excommunicated Henry. In response, Henry helped developed the Church of England. C. Mary I, daughter of Henry VIII, tried to reinstate Catholicism and killed over 300 Protestant. This gave her the name “Bloody Mary”. D. One group that was persecuted by James I & Charles I, was the Puritans. They would eventually leave to the Americas.