King Henry the 8th By Megan Rees June 28, 1491 – January 28, 1547
King Henry the 8th Public Image Finances Marriages Government Posterity
Public Image Henry cultivated the image of a Renaissance man, and his court was a center of scholarly and artistic innovation and glamorous excess, epitomized by the Field of the Cloth of Gold. Henry was an intellectual. The first English king with a modern humanist education, he read and wrote English, French, Latin and was thoroughly at home in his well-stocked library. A big, strong man and he excelled at jousting and hunting. More than pastimes, they were political devices that served multiple goals, from enhancing his athletic royal image to impressing foreign emissaries and rulers, to conveying Henry's ability to suppress any rebellion.
Finances Financially, the reign of Henry was a near-disaster. Although he inherited a prosperous economy, Henry's heavy spending and long periods of mismanagement damaged the economy Henry inherited a vast fortune from his father Henry VII who had, in contrast to his son, been frugal and careful with money. Much of this wealth was spent by Henry on maintaining his court and household, including many of the building works he undertook on royal palaces. Tudor monarchs had to fund all the expenses of government out of their own income.
Government The power of Tudor monarchs, including Henry, was 'whole' and 'entire', ruling, as they claimed, by the grace of God alone. Nevertheless, as evident during Henry's break with Rome, the monarch worked within established limits, whether legal or financial, that forced him to work closely with both the nobility and parliament In practice, Tudor monarchs used patronage to maintain a royal court that included formal institutions such as the Privy Council as well more informal advisers and confidants.
Posterity Known Children of Henry the 8 th of England NameMotherBirthNotes Unnamed daughterCatherine of Aragon31 Jan 1510Miscarriage HenryCatherine of Aragon1 Jan 1511Died 2 months Unnamed sonCatherine of AragonNov 1513Died shortly after birth HenryCatherine of AragonDec 1514Died 1 month Queen Mary 1Catherine of Aragon18 Feb 1516Married Philip of Spain; no issue Unnamed daughterCatherine of AragonNov 1518Stillbirth Queen Elizabeth 1Anne Boleyn7 Sep 1533Never married; no issue Unnamed sonAnne Boleyn29 Jan 1536 Kind Edward 6Jane Seymour12 Oct 1537Unmarried; no issue
Marriages Catherine of AragonAnne Boleyn Jane Seymour Anne of Cleves Katherine Howard Catherine Parr
Catherine of Aragon Formerly married to Henry’s older brother, who died before they had children. Had many pregnancies but only produced one heir, Mary. Henry divorced her to marry Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn Was his mistress for many years before marrying Henry split from the Catholic church in order to marry her Produced only one heir, Elizabeth, who became the most famous monarch in England. She was beheaded by Henry.
Jane Seymour Became engaged to Henry the day after Anne was executed Bore him his only son, Edward, who died before he could rule Died herself soon after giving birth
Anne of Cleves Married the King, sight unseen He never liked her, but he annulled the wedding and no harm came to her.
Catherine Howard Was much younger than her husband. Had affairs on him. She eventually was beheaded because of these actions
Catherine Parr Was a wealthy widow and a religious reformer Helped reconcile Henry with his daughters, Mary and Elizabeth They were put back into the line of succession, after his still living son, Edward.