Orrin Porter Rockwell
Unknown There are so many myths and unproven stories about this man that have been passed down from generations. There were a lot of times in his life that there is no formal record of. It is hard for authors, when writing about him, to be completely right about his life.
Rockwell Born on June 28 th of 1813 in Massachusetts. Grew up very headstrong and dedicated to his beliefs. Porter grew up being great friends of Joseph Smith, former leader of the LDS Church. Served as a great bodyguard, hunter, guide, messenger and scout. Very Large in Stature.
Rockwell Despite being very large in stature, he was very friendly and caring for his family and friends. He basically dedicated his life to the safety of his family and friends. As the LDS church was growing, it received lots of prosecution. Porter stood up against that prosecution.
Tried of Charges Because of his Fearlessness, he was tried with many charges. He was charged with the murder of Lilburn Boggs, the governor of Massachusetts. He was never proven guilty but still sent to prison for 9 months.
Being Released After being released from prison, Rockwell started to become a hunted man. People questioned his dedication to his beliefs and sought to charge him.
Outlaws Joseph once told Rockwell that if he never cut his hair, not a single bullet or blade would ever harm him. A Mob in Southern California heard about this. They piled their gold together and said the one to be able to arrive in Utah and kill Porter would win all of the gold. He was never touched by a single outlaw.
Rockwell In 1849 he was appointed deputy Marshall of Salt Lake City. He also served as a peace officer for the rest of his life. He died of old age in the summer of I look up to his dedication to what he believed in.
Bibliography Reference Schindler, Harold. Orrin Porter Rockwell. University of Utah Press; 1983.