Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Getting from a signal to a response involves three steps: Reception Transduction Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Reception Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Proteins change in response to specific stimuli

Reception Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Proteins change in response to specific stimuli

Reception Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Proteins change in response to specific stimuli

Reception Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Proteins change in response to specific stimuli

Reception Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Proteins change in response to specific stimuli

Reception Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Proteins change in response to specific stimuli.

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals

Transduction Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Second messengers transfer and amplify signals.

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes

Response Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Activation of enzymes.

Plant Hormones: Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Plant Hormones: Auxin Produced in apical meristem Stimulates cell elongation Causes phototropism. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Plant Hormones: Cytokinins Produced in growing tissues Stimulates cell division. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Plant Hormones: Gibberellins Stimulates growth in leaves and stems. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Plant Hormones: Brassinosteroids Chemically similar to animal sex hormones Stimulates cell elongation and division. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Plant Hormones: Abscisic acid Maintains dormancy in seeds. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Plant Hormones: Ethylene Ripens fruit. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Plant Hormones: Remember these two: Auxin Ethylene Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Responses to light Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Responses to light Blue light is responsible for phototropism Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Responses to light Blue light is responsible for phototropism Red light stimulates germination Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Responses to light Blue light is responsible for phototropism Red light stimulates germination Far-red light inhibits germination and causes a plant to grow taller Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Responses to light Blue light is responsible for phototropism Red light stimulates germination Far-red light inhibits germination and causes a plant to grow taller Why? Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Biological Clocks Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Biological Clocks Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour cycle of an organism Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Biological Clocks Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour cycle of an organism. Photoperiodism is the physiological response to seasonal changes in light. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Photoperiodism Plants that bloom in fall or winter need short days to bloom Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Photoperiodism Plants that bloom in fall or winter need short days to bloom Plants that bloom in spring or early summer need long days. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

An experiment: Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

An experiment: Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

An experiment: Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants 24 hours

An experiment: Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

An experiment: Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

What happens if we interrupt the night with a brief flash of light?

Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

What’s your conclusion? Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

Another experiment: Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

Red light Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

Red and far red Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

Red, far red, red Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

Red, far red, red, far red Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

Conclusions? Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals short day plants long day plants

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals statoliths

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Touch (thigmomorphogenesis and thigmotropism) Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Other Stimuli: Gravity (gravitropism) Touch (thigmomorphogenesis and thigmotropism) Environmental stresses. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction synthesis of volatile attractants

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction synthesis of volatile attractants

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction synthesis of volatile attractants

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction synthesis of volatile attractants

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction synthesis of volatile attractants

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction synthesis of volatile attractants

Herbivores Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals wound chemical in saliva signal transduction synthesis of volatile attractants

Pathogens Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals

Pathogens Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals bacteria

Pathogens Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals bacteria Plant recognizes specific pathogen

Pathogens Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals bacteria Plant recognizes specific pathogen Signal transduction

Pathogens Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals bacteria Plant recognizes specific pathogen Signal transduction Diseased tissue is sealed off and killed

Pathogens Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Dying cells release salicylic acid Plant recognizes specific pathogen Signal transduction Diseased tissue is sealed off and killed

Pathogens Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals Dying cells release salicylic acid Plant recognizes specific pathogen Signal transduction Diseased tissue is sealed off and killed Signal transduction Systemic acquired resistance

Any questions?. Chapter 39 Plant Responses to External and Internal Signals