Major Parts of a Lab Report 1. Title (Written on cover with your name) 2. Question/problem 3. Hypothesis 4. List of Materials 5. Procedure 6. Data Including: -Observations -Inferences 7. Data Chart 8. Conclusion Questions 2
Problem/Question Describe what you are going to test or experiment. Should always be in the form of a TESTABLE question. Who, What, Where, When, How 3
Hypothesis Explain your ideas about the experiment. Describe your best guess about the results of the experiment Written as an IF…THEN… statement (Example…If I give plants fertilizer, then they will grow taller.) 4
Procedure Describe step by step “what to do” Can be written in list form Must be DETAILED not simple steps. Someone should be able to follow your procedure to conduct the same experiment 5
Observations Included in the Data section of your report. Describe any other information using your senses Describe any changes during the experiment. Describe the result of the experiment 6
Inferences Explain each major observation. Describe why the changes in your experiment happened. 7
Data Chart / Graph Organize your observations and measurements in a clear chart or graph Time (s)Position (m)
Conclusion Questions Write each question before you describe your answer. Use your inferences to explain your answers Diagrams may be necessary to show your answer. 9
Summary Lab reports represent 30% of your quarterly grade You must include all sections of the report Labs must be TYPED or Prepared as a Booklet Labs written in short paragraph form will BE GRADED AS INCOMPLETE. Hand written labs WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED unless in booklet form, written neatly, and signed by a parent 10