1-1 What is Science? Objectives: State the goals of science Describe the steps of the scientific method
What Science Is Science is an organized way of using evidence to study the natural world Goals of science: 1) Investigate, understand and explain nature 2) Make useful predictions Science also refers to the body of knowledge that scientists have gathered 1-1
What Science Is Not Anything beyond the natural world Ex: supernatural or belief- based phenomena A way of “proving” anything 1-1
Organized Evidence-based Ever-changing Systematic Certain Static Rigid Belief-based Biased Fair 1-1
The Scientific Method Begins with observation Information gathered with 5 senses Prompts questions 1-1
Making Inferences Observations lead to inferences Inferences are logical interpretations based on prior knowledge Ex: observation- there is a chalk outline on the pavement inference- someone was murdered in that location 1-1
Generating a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a testable scientific explanation for a set of observations Written in if/then format If (condition) then (result) Ex: If a plant receives fertilizer then it will grow taller than a plant without fertilizer. 1-1
Experimenting Hypotheses are tested in a controlled experiment Ex: Redi’s experiment on Spontaneous Generation (1668) 1-1
Experimenting Single variable changed Control group compares to experimental group(s) 1-1
When Experiments Are Not Possible Studying natural phenomena Ex: animal interactions Ethical or safety limitations Ex: studying a cancer-causing chemical or experimental drug 1-1
When Experiments Are Not Possible Scientists look for c orrelations Reliable associations between events 1-1
Data Experimental observations yield data Data can be quantitative or qualitative Quantitative data can be measured numerically Ex: length, time, volume Qualitative data usually can’t be measured Ex: color, smell, feel 1-1
Data Data is then analyzed for trends 1-1
Drawing Conclusions Data becomes evidence for a logical conclusion (inference) Most experiments are repeated for verification Scientists publish their results Evidence must survive peer review To share knowledge To replicate 1-1
The Scientific Method Ask a question Observations prompt questions Form a hypothesis Must be testable Controlled experiment Only one variable changed at a time Record data Analyze results Draw a conclusion 1-1
The Scientific Method 1-1
Gathering Evidence (summary) 1. Begins with observation 2. Observations lead to inferences 3. Hypotheses are testable explanations based on inferences 4. Data is gathered during a controlled experiment Data can be quantitative or qualitative Quantitative data can be measured numerically Qualitative data usually can’t be measured 5. Scientists use data as evidence for conclusions 1-1
1-2 Science in Context Objectives: Identify the scientific attitudes that generate new ideas Explain why peer review is important Compare/contrast theory and law Explain the relationship between science and society
Scientific Thinking CuriositySkepticismOpennessHonesty Imagination & Creativity 1-2
Development of a Theory Theories are tested explanations supported by a large body of scientific evidence Have never been disproven Unify observations and predict new situations Theories are the highest level of scientific fact But still tentative, correctable, and dynamic Allows for changes as new facts are discovered 1-2
Theories vs. Laws Theories will never become laws &vice versa Neither is superior; they have different purposes Theories explain while laws describe 1-2