CAM Toy Project Name: Group: Teacher: This unit will introduce you to a range of resistant materials techniques and equipment. You will be designing a mechanical moving toy suitable for a child aged between 5-10 years old. The toy must be made from wood and must incorporate at least one cam. It must be original, fun and creative. Assessment In this project you will be assessed on your Designing and Making skills. When designing I am looking for… Your ideas to meet most of the specification points. How your ideas take into account the views of the users. Your ideas need to be creative. When making I am looking for… Knowledge and understanding of materials and equipment How you can control the quality of your work Justifying any modifications to your work Justifying the materials/components and equipment you have chosen.
Design Brief Situation Small handcrafted toys have been very popular among young children for many years. In the past five years the sale of mechanical toys has become much greater. This is for many reasons one of these being that many of these toys are made and sent to children in developing countries because they require no electricity to power them. You have been approached by a toy manufacturer to design and produce a working prototype of a fun wooden toy, also known as an automata. Brief Design and make a wooden toy based around a theme that will appeal to young children in a developing country. Your design must be appealing to children aged between 5-10 years old. The toy must be made from wood and must incorporate at least one motion and one cam. It must be original, fun and creative. Task Analysis What do you need to think about? Keywords Situation = Brief =
DESIGNING - Level Checker LevelWhat I need to do…tick 3The ideas for my CAM toy meet most of my Specification points 4My ideas take users’ views about aesthetic and technical issues into account. 5The ideas for my CAM toy prove that I understand how culture and society need to be considered as well as similar toys. I have shown an awareness of the constraints of materials and processes when I developed my ideas. 6My CAM toy design ideas are creative and test my design thinking. I have applied my knowledge and understanding by responding to several aspects of the design brief. 7The ideas I created for my CAM toy are creative and investigate form, function and production processes. 8My CAM toy design ideas are creative and identify the different demands of product design. I have found ways forward and explained how my ideas address these demands. MAKING - Level Checker LevelWhat I need to do…tick 3I Used the tools and equipment to make my CAM toy. My CAM toy is cut, shaped and put together with some accuracy. 4I Used my knowledge and understanding of materials and components. I selected and worked with a range of tools and equipment to make my CAM toy with some accuracy, paying attention to quality of the finish and to the function. 5I Used a range of different materials when making my CAM toy. I also used a range of tools, equipment and processes with some precision. I checked the quality of my work as it was developing, solved technical problems and showed how I modified my CAM toy as I progressed. 6I used a range of different materials when making my CAM toy. I also used a range of tools, equipment and processes, showing that I understand their characteristics 7I used a range of tools, materials, equipment and processes, taking full account of their characteristics. I changed my approach to making as circumstances changed, I solved technical problems providing sound explanations. 8I made my Cam toy with precision and accuracy.
Specification Essential Criteria MaterialsPlywood will be used for the frame of the toy. The other materials that I will use are ___________________ CAMI will use ____________________________CAM(s) for my toy Target MarketMy toy is aimed at children in a developing country aged 5- 10years old. User Requirements My users will require it to be safe, colorful and fun to use. Cultural and Social My CAM toy will be designed for a child in a developing country and I will therefore ensure my design will be suitable and appealing to them and ensure it is not offensive to them by considering their circumstances. FunctionsMy CAM toy will ____________________________________ QualityMy CAM toy needs to be of high quality, I will ensure I check the quality of it as it develops. FinishI will finish my CAM toy with __________________________ Designing tips… Level 4 – Get the views of your users Ask your friends their views about how your toy designs look and how they could be made or what materials could be used to make them and use their opinions in your development. Level 5 - Knowledge and Understanding in Designing Write what materials your toy could be made from and why. You also need to write down how certain parts of it could be made. For level 5 your designs need to show how you have considered cultural needs as well as existing products. Level 6 – Designerly Thinking Your toy designs need to be creative and meet the different parts of the design brief and present further questions for you to answer. Level 7 – Creative Designing You need to write why your toy is shaped the way it is, why it functions how it does. You also need to write down what production processes could be used to make your toy to be sold in a shop. Level 8 – Designing for Industry You need to write what obstacles you might need to overcome if you wanted to sell your toy in a shop. Try and explain how you could overcome these obstacles or how your design could be changed to do so.
Looking at Existing Products Cam Toy 1. Cam Toy 2. What are Cam Toys = Form = Function =
Picture 1 Stick picture here Picture 2 Stick picture here Picture 3 Stick picture here Picture 4 Stick picture here Activity 1: Research EPortal – Home Learning Home Learning objective: to understand how to collect primary data that will influence design decisions. What do I need to do? You have been introduced to the CAM toy project. You will need to collect 4 pictures from either magazines or the internet. These pictures will help you with your designs and therefore need to be related to the theme of ‘developing countries’. Remember….. Target Market My toy is aimed at children in a developing country aged 5-10years old. Cultural and Social My CAM toy will be designed for a child in a developing country and I will therefore ensure my design will be suitable and appealing to them and ensure it is not offensive to them by considering their circumstances. RESEARCH
Initial Ideas Generate 4 design ideas ensuring you meet the requirements of the Specification. All designs must be well communicated and annotated. Level 4 - Users Feedback Ask your friends what they think to your design? _________ ______________ What would you change? __________________ Level 5 – Knowledge and understanding Include answers to these questions in your annotation; 1.What materials could be used and why? 2.Which parts could be made how? 3.How do your designs meet the cultural needs of your user? 4.How have you considered existing products?
Design Review Idea 1Idea 2Comments Materials CAM Target Market User Requirements Cultural and Social Functions Quality Finish Level 3 – Review your designs against the Specification. DESIGNING - Level Checker LevelWhat I need to do…tick 3The ideas for my CAM toy meet most of my Specification points 4My ideas take users’ views about aesthetic and technical issues into account. 5The ideas for my CAM toy prove that I understand how culture and society need to be considered as well as similar toys. I have shown an awareness of the constraints of materials and processes when I developed my ideas. 6My CAM toy design ideas are creative and test my design thinking. I have applied my knowledge and understanding by responding to several aspects of the design brief. 7The ideas I created for my CAM toy are creative and investigate form, function and production processes. 8My CAM toy design ideas are creative and identify the different demands of product design. I have found ways forward and explained how my ideas address these demands.
Final Design
MAKING - Level Checker LevelWhat I need to do…tick 3I Used the tools and equipment to make my CAM toy. My CAM toy is cut, shaped and put together with some accuracy. 4I Used my knowledge and understanding of materials and components. I selected and worked with a range of tools and equipment to make my CAM toy with some accuracy, paying attention to quality of the finish and to the function. 5I Used a range of different materials when making my CAM toy. I also used a range of tools, equipment and processes with some precision. I checked the quality of my work as it was developing, solved technical problems and showed how I modified my CAM toy as I progressed. 6I used a range of different materials when making my CAM toy. I also used a range of tools, equipment and processes, showing that I understand their characteristics 7I used a range of tools, materials, equipment and processes, taking full account of their characteristics. I changed my approach to making as circumstances changed, I solved technical problems providing sound explanations. 8I made my Cam toy with precision and accuracy. MATERIALS DescriptionPropertiesUses Plywood MDF Pine Oak Hardboard Acrylic Level 4-7 – Knowledge and understanding of materials and their characteristics
DescriptionUsed forH&SSelected? Tenon Saw Coping Saw Try Square Bench Hook File Marking gauge Pillar Drill Belt Sander Hammer Tools Level 4 – 7 – Knowledge and understanding of tools and their characteristics Quality Level 4 – Pay attention to the quality of finish and the function DescriptionWhat do I need to check for? How will I check? When? Finish Function