2. Sissejuhatus teooriasse Teooria: Boole’i differentsiaalvõrrand Teooria: Binaarsed otsustusdiagrammid Rike Test Testi süntees Diagnostika sõnastik Testi analüüs – rikete simuleerimine Stiimul Digitaal- süsteem Reaktsioon Diagnoos 4 1 2 3
Fault Propagation Problem Logic gate 1 Path activation Fault Stuck - at Correct signal Error ® x 2 3 = 4 5 6 7 y F ( X ) Logic circuit & 1 Path activation Fault “ Stuck - at ” activation Correct signal Error ®
Boolean derivatives Y = F(x) = F(x1, x2, … , xn) Boolean function: Boolean partial derivative:
Boolean Derivatives Useful properties of Boolean derivatives: These properties allow to simplify the Boolean differential equation to be solved for generating test pattern for a fault at xi If F(x) is independent of xi Näide:
Boolean derivatives Examples: - if F(x) is independent of xi - if F(x) depends always on xi Examples:
Boolean vector derivatives If multiple faults take place independent of xi Example:
Boolean vector derivatives Calculation of the vector derivatives by Carnaugh maps: x2 x2 x2 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 x3 x3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x3 x1 x1 x1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x4 x4 x4
Boolean vector derivatives Interpretation of three solutions: Two paths activated 1 Single path activated 1
Derivatives for complex functions Boolean derivative for a complex function: Example: Additional condition:
Topological Idea of Test Generation 1 Path activation Fault Stuck - at Correct signal Error ® x 2 3 = 4 5 6 7 y F ( X ) x 1 2 y 3 4 5 6 7 1 1
Mapping Between Circuit and SSBDD Each node in SSBDD represents a signal path: x11 y x21 x12 x31 x4 x13 x22 x32 1 Signal path Node x11 in SSBDD represents the path (x1, x11, x6, y ) in the circuit The SAF-0(1) fault at the node x11 represents the SAF faults on the lines x11, x6, y in the circuit fault collapsing 32 faults (16 lines) in the circuit 16 faults (8 nodes) in SSBDD
Test Generation with BD and BDD y x1 x2 BD: x3 x2 x4 x1 x4 x5 1 x2 x6 Test pattern: x1 x2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 y 1 - D
Fault Analysis with SSBDDs Algorithm: Determine the activated path to find the fault candidates Analyze the detectability of the each candidate fault (each node represents a subset of real faults) & 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 y x11 x21 x12 x31 x13 x22 x32 x11 y x21 x12 x31 x4 x13 x22 x32 1
Test Generation with SSBDDs & 1 x1 x2 x3 x4 y Test generation for: x11 x21 x12 x31 x13 x22 x32 x110 10 x11 y x21 x12 x31 x4 x13 x22 x32 1 10 Structural BDD: x1 y x2 x4 x3 Functional BDD: 1 10 x1 x2 x3 x4 y 1 1 0 - Test pattern: 1 0
Functional Synthesis of BDDs Shannon’s Expansion Theorem: xk y Using the Theorem for BDD synthesis: 1 x1 x2 1 x3 x4 x3 x4 1
Functional Synthesis of BDDs Shannon’s Expansion Theorem: x1 x2 1 x3 x4 x1 x3 x2 1 x4
BDDs for Logic Gates Elementary BDDs: SSBDD synthesis: OR AND NOR x1 x2 x3 y & AND 1 1 x2 x3 y x1 OR 1 1 x1 x2 x3 y NOR Given circuit: & 1 x1 x2 x3 x21 x22 y a b SSBDD synthesis: SSBDDs for a given circuit are built by superposition of BDDs for gates
Synthesis of SSBDD for a Circuit Superposition of BDDs: Given circuit: a b y x1 a x21 1 x2 y & b x22 x3 x22 a y x22 x3 b 1 x3 b Structurally Synthesized BDD: Compare to a x1 x21 x3 y x22 x1 x21 a Superposition of Boolean functions:
Logic Operation with BDDs Generation of BDDs for
Boolean Operations with SSBDDs AND-operation: y = e g x3 x1 x21 x22 x6 x4 x51 x52 y 1 & x1 x2 x3 x21 x22 y a b x5 x6 x51 x52 c d x4 g e OR-operation: x3 x1 x21 x22 y x6 x4 x51 x52 y = e g
Properties of SSBDDs Boolean function: y = x1x2 x3 (x4 x5x6) #1 #0 x3 x4 x5 x6 y 0-nodes of a 0-path represent a term in the CNF: x1x4x5 = 0 x2 #1 x3 x6 #0 x1 x4 x5 1-nodes of a 1-path represent a term in the DNF: x3x5x6 = 1
Boolean Operations with SSBDDs Boolean function: Inverted function (DeMorgan): y = x1x2 x3 = ( x1 x2) x3 y x1 x3 x2 y = x1x2 x3 y x1 x2 x3 Dual function: y* y*= (x1 x2) x3 x1 x3 x2 Inverted dual function: y * = x1x2 x3 y * x1 x3 x2
Transformation Rules for SSBDDs BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Exchange of nodes: y = x1 x2 Commutative law: y = x1 x2= x2 x1 Idempotent law: Node passing: y y = x1 x1 x2 = = x1 x2 = x2 x1
= Properties of SSBDDs y Boolean function: y = x1x2 x3 (x4 x5x6) #1 #0 x3 x4 x5 x6 Exchange of nodes: y = x1 x2 y x1 #1 x3 x5 #0 x2 x4 x6
= Properties of SSBDDs y y Boolean function: y = x1x2 x3 (x4 x5x6) #1 #0 x3 x4 x5 x6 Exchange of subgraphs: y G1 G2 y G2 G1 = x3 y x4 #1 #0 x1 x2 x5 x6
Transformation Rules for SSBDDs BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Node passing: Absorption law: y y y = x1 x1x2 = x1 x1 x1 = x1 x2 x1 x2 Distributive law: y = y = x1x2 x1x3= = x1(x2 x3) x1 x2 x3
Transformation of SSBDDs to BDDs y x11 x21 x1 y x2 x12 x31 x4 x13 x22 x32 x1 y x2 x12 x3 x4 x13 x22 x32 SSBDD: x12 x31 x4 x13 x22 x32 x1 y x2 x4 x3 Optimized BDD: x1 y x2 x4 x3 BDD:
Transformation Rules for SSBDDs BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Superposition: y z x1 x2 x3 = y x2 x3 x1 y z = x1 x2 x3 Assotiative law: y = x1 (x2 x3) = = (x1 x2) x3
Properties of SSBDDs Graph related properties: SSBDD is planar asyclic traceable (Hamiltonian path) for every internal node there exists a 1-path and 0-path homogenous 1 y x11 x21 1 x12 x31 1 x4 1 x13 x22 x32 1
BDDs for Flip-Flops q c q’ Elementary BDDs c q’ q q c q’ D Flip-Flop J JK Flip-Flop c q’ S R J q C K S C q R c q’ U RS Flip-Flop U - unknown value
Mapping Between Circuit and SSBDD From circuit to set of SSBDDs Fan-out stems FFR D C FFR SSBDD2 SSBDD4 Y1 FFR SSBDD3 A FFR SSBDD1 FFR B SSBDD5 Y2 C E a b c Y
Advantages of SSBDDs Linear complexity: a circuit is represented as a system of SSBDDs, where each fanout-free region (FFR) is representred by a separate SSBDD One-to-one correspondence between the nodes in SSBDDs and signal paths in the circuit This allows easily to extend the logic simulation with SSBDDs to simulation of faults on signal paths
Shared SSBDDs - S3BDD Extension of superposition procedure beyond the fan-out nodes of the circuit Merging several functions in the same graphs by introducing multiple roots Superpositioning of FFRs Node of SSBDD signal path up to fan-out stem Input of SSBDD circuit down to primary inputs
S3BDDs and Fault Collapsing & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14 11 7 19 15 12 17 3 4 17 16 20 18 2 5 1 15 12 10 13 18 9 8 21 6 10 16 13 Fault collapsing: From 84 faults to 36 faults For SSBDD: 50 faults
Each node represents different paths (path segments) in the circuit Shared SSBDDs & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Each node represents different paths (path segments) in the circuit SSSBDD for 19 Node Path 14 140-19 (3) 11 110-19 (4) 7 7-19 (4) 15 150-170-19 (3) 12 120-141-170-19 (4) 3 3-111-141-170-19 (5) 4 4-111-141-170-19 (5) 14 11 7 19 15 12 17 3 4
Synthesis of S3BDD for a Circuit Superposition of BDDs: G1 X 1 3 Y1 Given circuit C17 3 X 2 1 Y1 Each node in the SSMIBDD represents a signal path in the circuit Testing a node in SSMIBDD means testing a signal path in the circuit Y1 X 1 3 2 4
Synthesis of S3BDD for a Circuit Given circuit C17 Superposition of BDDs: G4 X 5 2 Y2 3 Y1 X 1 3 2 4 Y2 5 Two-output circuit is represented by a single SSBDD with shared subgraphs
Sequentional S3BDDs T2 T3 3 2 T1 9 T2 T3 26 9 14 4 1 8 T1 3 2 7 9 10 10 nodes, 20 stuck-at faults, 2,5 times less 3 2 T1 9 T2 T3 26 9 14 4 1 8 1 T1 3 2 7 9 10 15 25 nodes, 50 stuck-at faults 1 12 T2 22 25 8 & 13 11 16 26 T3 4 5 6 14 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 9 GAIN: 2,5 times in logic simulation, 2,5 2 = 6,25 times in fault simulation
Structured Interpretation of S3BDDs 1 T1 3 2 7 9 10 15 3 2 T1 9 S3BDD represents two subcircuits G Nodes Signal paths L GT1 3 3 – 15 – T1 3 2 2 – 9 – 10 – 15 – T1 5 T1 T1 – 7 – 9 – 10 – 15 – T1 6 Each node in the S3BDD represents a signal path in the circuit
Structured Interpretation of S3BDDs G Nodes Signal paths L GT2 8 8 – 12 – 25 – T2 4 G26 T2 T2 – 5 – 21 – 23 – 26 5 9 9 – 11 – 18 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 26 7 14 14 – 17 – 18 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 26 4 – 19 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 26 6 T3 T3 – 6 – 14 – 16 – 19 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 26 1 1 – 8 – 13 – 14 – 16 – 19 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 26 10
BDDs and Complexity Optimization (by ordering of nodes): BDDs for a 2-level AND-OR circuit BDD optimization: We start synthesis: from the most repeated variable 2n nodes 22n - 2 nodes
BDDs and Complexity BDDs for an 8-bit data selector
BDDs and Complexity q c q’ Elementary BDDs c q’ q q c q’ D Flip-Flop J JK Flip-Flop c q’ S R J q C K S C q R c q’ U RS Flip-Flop U - unknown value BDD optimization: We start synthesis: from the most important variable, or from the most repeated variable