Study Skills Find your new seats. Review rules: 1.Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. 2.Respect everyone. 3.Raise your hand if you want to talk or move to another seat. -5 points for any disruptive behavior 4.Be prepare. (Bring all supplies to class) I will start deducting grades if you forgot your supplies. – Forgot to bring a book -5 points – Forgot to bring homework -5 points – Forgot to bring spiral/planner -5 points 5. The teacher will dismiss you from class.
Grading Policy Organization 60%: Planner checks; Journal Checks; Coming To Class Prepared For Work; etc. Classroom Activities 20%: Performance With In-Class Activities. Participation 20%: Participating In In-Class Activities; Staying On-Task During Study Days.
New Planner Procedures: Must complete 4 academic boxes. Requirements: CW/ What you did in class HW/ Pg ? #? 5 points per box I will check it every Friday. Monday: Write down your grades for each class. (do it over the weekend)
New Spiral Procedures: On Monday: – Write down the following: Date: #/#/14 Academics Goals: (must be in COMPLETE Sentences!) – 1. I will complete all my homework on time. – 2. I will study for my history test. – 3. I will… Personal Goals: – 1. I will workout twice a week. – 2. I will clean my room everyday. – 3. I will…
New Spiral Procedures continued: On Friday: Reflection Day – Write down the following: Date: #/#/14 Academics Goals Reflection: (must be in COMPLETE Sentences!) – 1. I completed all my homework on time with a 90, 100, 98, & 100. – 2. I received a 95 on my history test. – 3. I did… Personal Goals: – 1. I worked out four times this week. – 2. I only clean my room on Tuesday. – 3. I did… I will check it every Friday. 60% of your grade. Place your spiral & planner on Mrs. May’s desk. Thank you.
1/20/14 Assignment Vision Board Project – DUE Friday, Jan. 31 st at 4 pm – Goal – Quote – 10 pictures – Name & period – Neat – Creativity