Being Selfless and Making Sacrifices Edith Cavell
Born on 4 December 1865, the eldest of four children, in Swardeston, a village near Norwich In 1896, started training to be a nurse at the Royal London Hospital under Matron Eva Luckes, a friend of Florence Nightingale Completed her nursing training in 1898 and in 1907 became matron at the first nursing school in Belgium
Edith Cavell On holiday in England when war breaks out, she quickly returns to Belgium. She soon begins helping Allied troops get home Cavell is arrested in August 1915 by German troops who find her guilty of treason under a German military code - this allowed foreigners to be convicted of treason Her role of a nurse, ordinarily protected under the Geneva Convention, was seen to have been forfeited as she was helping Allied soldiers escape After a trial, at 07:00 on 12 October she is executed by firing squad
World War One: Edith Cavell and Charles Fryatt 'martyred'
Edith Cavell
Edith Cavell's story was used as a recruitment tool 'Calm courage‘
Edith Cavell
Standing as I do in view of God and eternity, I realise that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Louisa Cavell, October 11th 1915
Edith Cavell
WW1 nurse Edith Cavell to feature on new £5 coin
Edith Cavell
Edith Cavell: Sculpture to commemorate WW1 nurse shot in Belgium
Edith Cavell Mountain Canada
Edith Cavell A statue of Cavell that stands near Trafalgar Square was unveiled in 1920
Edith Cavell Nurse Edith Cavell and the British World War One propaganda campaign - BBC News