President: Una Buckley Secretary: John O’Sullivan Ecclesiastical Assistant: Br Alan Harrison SJ Treasurer: Brian Austin
2009 New Office in London, Part and with the support of Jesuit Community in the Centre of London Challenge: Finding enough members to stand for election or volunteer for national roles. Especially encouraging the younger members towards commitment and wider regional and national participation About 75 Groups, a number of ‘Lone’ members, making up c. 350 total membership
FORMATION: Retreats Up to 25 members have been able to do an Individually Guided Retreat in a Jesuit Holiday House in Wales with all Directors and organisation provided by CLC Members FORMATION: Retreats Up to 25 members have been able to do an Individually Guided Retreat in a Jesuit Holiday House in Wales with all Directors and organisation provided by CLC Members
+ Apostolic Discernment Course + A new set of Meeting Booklets on the Fruits of the Spirit + Training for Guides
There is hardly any CLC activity in Ignatian schools. The development has been mostly concentrated around Jesuit apostolate in Spirituality Centres, mostly in London CHALLENGE: How to expand the development to the whole country in particular to people living in deprived areas and working more with University Chaplaincies and Schools
What No Mission? Individual members involved in various apostolate activities Discerning the future of community mission Reaching to a wider social demographic