Copyright is a set of laws passed in 1976 that helps to protect authors who create “original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works.” It allows the copyright holder to do such things such as reproduce, perform, distribute, translate, and publicly display their original works. You must contact the copyright holder to reuse, redistribute, or reproduce a protected work unless it meets certain exceptions set forth by the Fair Use Act
First Sale Doctrine When you legally buy a copyrighted material you Can: Lend, Resell, Destroy, or Donate Can’t: Reproduce or Show it publically without premission
Dependent on the date of creation. Works created on or after January 1, 1978, is usually protected from date of creation until 70 years after the author’s death
Registration and Notification of Copyright Copyright protection begins when the work is created and fixed the first time it is written or recorded. You do not need to use a copyright notice under U.S. law but it is recommended. Copyright notices should include the following: 1. The word “Copyright”, the abbreviation “Copr.”, or the symbol ©. 2. Year in which the work was first created. 3. Name of the copyright owner Example: © 2014 Jane Doe
All works no longer copyright protected or never were. Works published in the U.S. before 1923 Four categories: 1. Generic info – numbers, facts, and ideas 2. Works whose copyrights have lapsed or whose copyright holders did not renew registration. 3. Works published before March 1989 that did not include proper copyright notice. 4. Works created by the U.S. federal government.
Penalties of Copyright Infringement If you do not get permission from the copyright holder and reproduce, republish, or redistribute the work, you may be violating the Copyright Act. If the work is registered, the copyright holder may sue for compensation. Can range from $250 - $150,000 plus attorney’s fees per each infringing copy.
International Copyright U.S. Copyright laws are not international but there is a widely adopted copyright treaty. The Berne Convention protects works in member countries.
Sources Copyright corkboard image retrieved from: framework framework framework What is Copyright image retrieved from: copyright/ copyright/ copyright/ First sale image retrieved from: it-benefits-society/ it-benefits-society/ it-benefits-society/ Duration of copyright image retrieved from: george/duration-of-copyright/paperback/product html george/duration-of-copyright/paperback/product htmlhttp:// george/duration-of-copyright/paperback/product html
Sources Locked copyright image retrieved from: information-copyright-protection-small-business-copyright-website-us- copyright/ information-copyright-protection-small-business-copyright-website-us- copyright/ information-copyright-protection-small-business-copyright-website-us- copyright/ Public domain image retrieved from: Caution image retrieved from: nelegaliu-turiniu/ nelegaliu-turiniu/ nelegaliu-turiniu/ International copyright image retrieved from: sight-for-international-copyright-laws/ sight-for-international-copyright-laws/ sight-for-international-copyright-laws/