Adie - CréaJeunes Help young people create their businesses
Origin and objectives Of Creajeune Program Origins of the project A programme conceived in 2007: The authorities’ desire, after the 2005 crisis in the Paris suburbs, to dynamise the neighbourhoods viewed as «sensitive» (Policy of the City) A survey by Adie on «the desire to create one’s own business» in low-income neighbourhoods, which uncovered a strong motivation on the part of young people: 50% of them were thinking about establishing a business. Establishment A pilot programme, during October 2007 – December 2009, in six locations Once the project proved itself, new facilities have come into operation every year As of today, 28 sites rolling out the program in France Target client The facility is free of charge and accessible to all young people aged between 18 and 32 years, planning to create a business that needs less than 25,000 euros of financing
A complete path from idea to project 5 weeks of collective training covering the steps in creating a business commercial development and market study, provisional financial statements and financing plan, legal status, not forgetting personal development. One-on-one technical assistance For a minimum of four months from sign-up with a personal tutor, at a rate of one meeting per week. Networking Convenient access to finance Ability to present an application for microcredit to create a business and/or convenient access to additional finance (bonuses, so-called «loans of honour»,...) Business development services after creation
Why It Works Because instruction that is interactive, concrete, and based on listening, is designed to respond best to the needs of young people. Because the training takes into account the human dimension in the approach to creating a business, notably by incorporating modules on personal development. Because the course is enriched by the experience of Adie, which has assisted creators of businesses for 26 years.
The results Since its launch in 2008, 6533 young people from 18 to 32 years old have participated in the Créajeunes programme, including 1,300 young people in The people taking the program are vulnerable: of the young people participating since the launch, 70% were unemployed before taking part, 49% were women, and close to 54% had secondary education or less. Ten months after finishing the programme, 30% of the young people have created their business and 20% have found a job.
The Challenge 1.Young people have more and more business ideas with digital aspects (from online promotion and communication to full web businesses) that would need specific services to help them on theses challenges. 2.Young entrepreneurs are more connected than any other entrepreneurs. Adie’s challenges What business development service to develop on entrepreneur’s digital challenges ? How to use digital tools and social networks to reach more young people ?