Universities of the Future ?
Key Trends Increased Demand/Opportunities for HE – Domestic (increasing demographics & new diverse learners) – International ( increasing student mobility) Declining public funding for HE and increasing accountability Private providers Role of HE in supporting economic development Impact/Opportunities of technology (digital) Strategic alliances, partnerships and networks
Source: Projections of Demand for Full Time Third Level Education, , Department of Education & Skills, July 2013 Domestic Demand
Source: Education at a Glance 2012, OECD, July 2013 Number of internationally mobile HE students worldwide International Students
Source: Financially Sustainable Universities II – European Universities Diversifying Income Streams, EUA, 2011 Diversified Income Base
HE using digital technology – Some data from USA Source: Changing Course – Ten Years of tracking on-line education in the United States, Babson Research Group, Jan 2013 In the US, 6.7 million students (32% of total) take at least one online course ! 70% of HEIs state that online learning is critical to their long-term strategies Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are available through 2.6% of HEIs; 9.4% in planning stage; 55% still undecided 77% of Academic Leaders rate learning outcomes in online education as the same or superior to F2F 45% of Academic Leaders believe it takes more academic time and effort to teach online Acceptance of online amongst academic community = 30%
Students Offerings Disciplines Recruitment /Sales Delivery Student Services Professional Services DomesticInternational Industry-based Craft EducationHigher EducationResearch & Innovation ArtsBusinessEngineeringScienceMedicine/HealthOthers Schools Open DaysAgentsPartnerships Other On CampusDigitalPartnerships Overseas Campus Student AdminSupport ServicesOther In-houseOutsource Potential Impacts on HEI profile