Teaching Educators About Technology Alyssa DiPasquale Ashley Scavetta Erin Smythe
Summary Many older teachers come in blind when it comes to technology and they have to come up with ways to learn about it Need more professional development before getting the devices Teachers should get into using social media on their own before implementing it into their classrooms There is a lot of curriculum to teach students and teachers at the same time about digital citizenship Reasons why we should learn about and integrate technology Don’t want to get too carried away with how much technology we are integrating
Article 1: Preparing Teachers to Use Technology Not all teachers are ready to use technology because they didn’t grow up with it. Not all teachers have technology in their homes to prepare for lessons involving technology Online discussion groups, forums, lists, bulletin boards, message boards, and chat rooms NCATE Certification Most schools are starting to hold professional development opportunities for teachers regarding technology
Article 2: Schools Turn to In- House Experts for Tech Training Schools have technology funds to stock up on technology instead of educating teachers on how to use it first. Colleagues training colleagues More money is being spent on devices than professional development Need for PLCs
Article 3: Why Educators Should Spend 15 Minutes A Day on Social Media` Connect with other educators Improve at your own position Sparking ideas
Article 4: Digital Citizenship Week: 6 Resources for Educators Many different types of curriculum to use with students and ways to engage parents Digital Literacy and Citizen Curriculum for K-12 Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum Search for Digital Literacy Lessons at MediaSmarts Lessons for Teaching Digital Citizenship for Cable Impacts Resources for Teaching Digital Literacy from Digizen Digital Citizenship Videos from the TeachingChannel
Article 5: Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum? The Reasons Are Many Technology should be integrated in all subjects Technology should be used regularly Intellectual challenges and touching all types of learners Strengthens relationships
Article 6: Technology and Teaching: Finding a Balance Technology is a universal language for the entire world, but there needs to be a balance. “Teaching students how to balance technology usage along with offline socializing is essential” Appropriate applications Gradually keep adding technology- don’t try everything at once
Why is this important? Teachers need to be actively learning about technology: professional development or by experimenting There is a lot of help out there for teachers to learn about technology: being unsure or uncomfortable is not an excuse Can positively change how students learn Essential skills involved in technology and the generation that we are teaching Great to implement into lessons, but make it appropriate
Works Cited schools/articles/2011/11/08/schools-turn-to-in-house- experts-for-tech-training?int=96e908 schools/articles/2011/11/08/schools-turn-to-in-house- experts-for-tech-training?int=96e908 Educators-Should-Spend-Time-Daily-on-Social- Media.html Educators-Should-Spend-Time-Daily-on-Social- Media.html resources-matt-davis resources-matt-davis introduction introduction teaching-finding-balance-andrew-marcinek