General Information New members in ABP (RTL): –M. Samson Restructuring should be finalized by the end of the year to be effective for beginning of the.


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Presentation transcript:

General Information New members in ABP (RTL): –M. Samson Restructuring should be finalized by the end of the year to be effective for beginning of the next: –Members of the RLC section now involved in collective effects studies for LHC and upgrade programmes will join either the LII or LOC sections in order to improve support for the LHC and Injectors and their upgrades –A CLIC section will be created –Exact composition is being discussed New Salary grid in place from 1/1/07  E. Chiaveri to present it at the ABMB today

General Information PAC participation: –ABP: G. Arduini, O. Brüning, R. Corsini, E. Métral, T. Weiler, F. Zimmermann –EuroTev: W. Bruns, A. Latina, L. Neukermans –Abstracts should be with Oliver by this morning for submission to Steve by this evening. Answer by Wednesday morning.

General Information SPSC (21-22/11): –So far 1200 lead/emulsion bricks produced (out of ). Present production rate 50 bricks/day!!! –SPSC and RB: no high intensity running before 75% of the bricks available – note that for the moment only 78% of the bricks production is funded –COMPASS: good year at the end in spite of the difficult start of the machines –NA49: new fixed-target proposal in the SPS starting from 2007 with protons and requiring different ion species in Implications for the Injectors to be studied – div/Meetings/ABMB/2006/ html div/Meetings/ABMB/2006/ html

General information LTC request for support for additional crystal channeling experiments in H8 (W. Scandale). In particular request for an MD with slow extraction in the North at the end of the ion commissioning period. P. Collier mentioned that this might not be possible because not foreseen by INB convention  need follow-up Noted also that the in the SPS SD planning the removal of the LHC prototype collimator is included with a question mark  need follow-up Minutes not yet available

General Information APC meetings: –Review of the tests with a long SPS flat-top in the SPS for increasing the proton flux for COMPASS (North Area Experiment) during CNGS operation. When CNGS will start we have a solution –Ambient radiation in the SPS during high intensity operation: some places (Route Goward and B.151) need to be reclassified. Radiation in other places (including CERN fence) below RP guidelines but above limits requiring optimization and justification. –Means for reducing losses or transferring them in areas with thicker shielding exist (transition and CT losses)  S. Gilardoni. Interesting solution using QKE16 (5 and 25) and QKE73 (25 and 73) needs further investigations together with simulations of toher possible means of diluting the losses with adequate orbit deformations. div/Meetings/APC/Welcome.html div/Meetings/APC/Welcome.html

General Information LHC MAC: –During the pressure test of sector 8-1 (25 th November) heat exchanger tube in the Inner triplet failed at 9 bar differential pressure (should be tested at 27.5). Rest of the arc performed successfully. –Procedure for repair need to be found and implemented on all 24 quads  consequences on the schedule to be evaluated –Presentation on the status and performance of the injectors

7 th December 2006LHC Machine Advisory Committee Summary and Conclusions From the point of view of the HW the LHC injectors are ready for the LHC and a consolidation programme is ongoing to allow them to serve reliably the LHC The Commissioning and Early Physics Beams have been tested during machine studies and can be provided. Need to turn their operation mode from occasional (MD/expert type) into routine during the 2007 run: –CCC is certainly an advantage –Need to improve beam diagnostics signals/data availability and reliability (particularly lacking in 2006) in CCC and control tools

7 th December 2006LHC Machine Advisory Committee Summary and Conclusions Nominal beam is feasible but we have to create more margin for a reliable operation in PS and particularly in the SPS where e- cloud together with impedance are the main limitations. Operation above nominal is for the time being out of range and likely requires a more drastic upgrade programme of the injectors.

General Information Presentation on status of the Ion Injectors and way to the nominal beam (C. Carli and D. Manglunki) advisory-committee/lhcmac20/Agenda.htmhttp://mgt-lhc-machine-advisory- advisory-committee/lhcmac20/Agenda.htm

I’ll see you tomorrow at the ABP Christmas party