technological, financial, managerial risks Some issues of: V. Kekelidze V.Kekelidze, MAC1
V.Kekelidze, MAC The civil construction deliverables are insured by a bank guarantee. 5 years warranty is provided as by the general contractor. technological risks are minimized by the proper staging: I stage - robust well developed technology; II stage- novel technology developing at CERN, JINR, … MPD end-cup upgrade at the II stage; TPC read-out detectors: wire chambers(I)– GEM (II;) Inner Tracking System upgrade at the II stage; Read-out electronics upgrade (II); DAQ upgrade (II); 2
V.Kekelidze, MAC In case of financial deficit due to not fulfilled commitments by the major contributors, a scenario of plan B is under development The plan B foresees a certain delay of the stage II which includes: e-cooling implementation for the collider lower energies; MPD end-cup upgrade; SPD put in operation; development of extracted beam infrastructure for the applied researches. Managerial risks are diminished by proper organized system of governing and advisory bodies, providing regular monitoring and comprehensive reviews 3
Laboratory infrastructure; human resources Laboratory infrastructure; human resources acceleratordetectorsinfrastructure IT MPD IC Booster NuclotronCollider MAC JINR Directorate Coordinating Committee DAC Project governing, management & advisory bodies LHEP Directorate User Committee PAC PP PP Committee Scientific Council FC Project Management V.Kekelidze, MAC 4
Human resource policy V.Kekelidze, MAC5
V.Kekelidze, MAC The JINR development strategy foresees increase of personnel salary (15-25 % annually) opening new positions for young employees A strategic plan is under development for consolidation of basic resources (including human ones) on the major JINR projects, first of all, on NICA It is foreseen an enlargement of highly skilled personnel for developing and maintenance of ion sources, accelerators, beam lines, cryogenics, detectors, engineering and computer infrastructure of the whole NICA complex, and services. 6
accelerator department experimental divisions (experiments at Nuclotron / NICA) technical support services ~ 250 > V.Kekelidze, MAC short and long term visitors personnel planning of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics and anticipation of visitors in
V.Kekelidze, MAC LHEP personnel in
V.Kekelidze, MAC Thank you I C A 9