RaDIATE Meeting September /22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting 1
Agenda RaDIATE News MOU Post-doc recruitment Collaboration, HPT Workshop New participants Other related news Status Updates Stage 1 final report update BNL BLIP graphite/C-C progress Subdivision of RaDIATE into teams discussion Miniature, sub-miniature, micro-mechanics testing discussion (if time) 2 07/22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting
RaDIATE News MOU Signed, sealed, delivered Amendment/Revision to add participants will be drafted over the next few months Post-doc recruitment Official offer made and accepted Can start in January? Dr. Viacheslav Kuksenko Currently with PSI working with Dr. Yong Dai 3 07/22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting
RaDIATE News Collaboration Meeting Date May 19 (Monday) 2014 at Fermilab Followed by 5 th High Power Targetry Workshop Fermilab, May Radiation damage covered on first day New participants in meetings SNS (B. Riemer) PSI (M. Wohlmuther, D. Kiselev) ESS (Y. Lee) 4 07/22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting
RaDIATE News TRITON (TRiple Ion-beam Testing Of Nuclear materials) Proposal submitted by EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) to the government for approval If accepted, more detailed proposal needed NNUF (National Nuclear Users Facility) All equipment in place Work started (non-active materials) Shielding and licensing hopefully in place to handle active materials in /22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting
Status Reports Stage 1 final report Final report is complete minus a few numbers from table 1 (numbers have just now been supplied) Report weighs in at about a ¾” thick stack, double-sided BLIP Graphite/C-C update Kavin(?) “White board” Parameter Space Table updated recently 6 07/22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting
RaDIATE Sub-division? The RaDIATE monthly meetings are becoming rather unwieldy Number of participants Sometimes specific and lengthy discussions Not efficient for some participants Sub-divide into material teams? Teams schedule meetings as necessary RaDIATE full meetings become quarterly Results in better efficiency and focus(?) Results in larger number of meetings in total But less meetings for each participant(?) 5/28/13P. Hurh RaDIATE May 2013 Meeting 7
RaDIATE Sub-division? Teams Beryllium V. Kuksenko (P. Hurh in interim) Graphite K. Ammigan Tungsten C. Densham Other materials(?) Other ways to sub-divide? By discipline(?) Nuclear Materials Material limits for Design Applications Simulation/Analysis Experimental By geography(?) 5/28/13P. Hurh RaDIATE May 2013 Meeting 8
Specimen size/technique discussion: What miniature specimen standardized tests are being used for radiation damage testing? Are these validated for graphite? Has micro-mechanics techniques been validated or empirically correlated for Be and W? Should we be engaged in validation testing of either miniature or micro-mechanics techniques for our materials in the near term? What can we exploit/leverage from past and current work (IFMIF, PNNL, etc…)? 9 07/22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting
View IFMIF presentation? 5/28/13P. Hurh RaDIATE May 2013 Meeting 10
Action Item List from July Provide official offer to selected post-doctoral candidate (Roberts, Hurh, Densham) Continue to investigate alternative, measureable effects that can be used to validate the DPA and gas production simulations (S. Brooks, et al.) Continue graphite/C-C composite analysis from BLIP irradiation study (Ammigan, Simos, Hurh) Investigate further availability of irradiated materials for testing (esp Be at CERN and Mini-BooNE) (Hurh/Ammigan/Calvianni) Continue work on Be lit study, graphite lit studies and W studies (Final report due in July) Arrange for August Meeting (Hurh/Ammigan) 11 07/22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting
Next Meeting Any conflicts with end of October? 12 07/22/13P. Hurh RaDIATE July 2013 Meeting