Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU1 Differentiating Instruction Marjorie Hall Haley, Ph.D. George Mason University
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU2 K-W-L This is what I know about Differentiating Instruction (DI) This is what I want to know about DI This is what I learned about DI
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU3 Differentiation is…. Creating different opportunities within the same curriculum Putting students in situations where they don’t know the answer – often Differing the product from simple to complex Differing the process from concrete to abstract
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU4 Differentiation is…… Differing the content from below to above grade level Differing the pace from slow to accelerated
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU5 Differentiation isn’t….. Creating more work (extra credit or “do this when you’re done.”) Using higher standards when grading Giving the same work, but expecting more Providing free-time challenge activities
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU6 Differentiation isn’t….. Using capable students as tutors to classmates Using individualized instruction exclusively
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU7 Carol Tomlinson, Ph.D. “Differentiation calls on us to make big leaps in the way we think about the classroom and curriculum. It takes a willingness to be a teacher who partners with kids in teaching and learning – who’s more of a facilitator than a dictator. It challenges the sense that curriculum is just coverage of facts.”
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU8 How Do I Differentiate? Keep the focus on concepts, emphasizing understanding and sense- making Use ongoing assessments of readiness and interests – preassess to find students needing more support and those who can excel Make grouping flexible. Move between whole-group, groups, and individuals.
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU9 Why should I differentiate? There is strong evidence that meeting students where they are and addressing their needs is more likely to make their learning efficient and effective.
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU10 Meet the diverse needs of ALL our learners Multiple Intelligences, IEPs and 504 plans, learning styles, cultural and linguistic differences Address the Standards (local, state, and national)
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU11 Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly Teachers move away from seeing themselves as keepers and dispensers of knowledge Teachers move toward seeing themselves as organizers of learning opportunities Teachers organize classes for effective activity with a concentration on exploration
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU12 Rules of Thumb – How to differentiate Be clear on the key concepts and generalizations Every lesson should emphasize critical thinking Every lesson should be engaging Provide a balance between student- selected and teacher assigned tasks and working arrangements
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU13 Differentiating involves 3 aspects of the curriculum Content Process Products
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU14 3 Aspects of Differentiating Content: refers to concepts, principles, and skills that teachers want students to learn Process: refers to the activities that help students make sense of, and come to own, the ideas and skills being taught Products: refers to culminating projects that allow students to demonstrate and extend what they have learned
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU15 Strategies for DI Stations Compacting Agendas Complex Instruction Orbital Studies Entry Points
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU16 Strategies for DI Problem-based Learning Choice Boards
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU17 What does a differentiated classroom look like? Teachers begin where the students are Teachers engage students in instruction through different learning modalities A student competes more against him/herself than others Teachers provide ways for each individual to learn Teachers use classroom time flexibly
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU18 Where do I go for help? thy/barbaram.asp thy/barbaram.asp l l
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU19 Where do we go from here? Set clear expectations for student- centered responsive instruction Create mentoring opportunities between and among your colleagues Look to teachers who practice DI to provide models Start slowly and purposefully – don’t take on any more than you’re ready for!
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU20 Have Fun!
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU21 Differentiating Instruction: Something you are already doing to Meet All Your Students Needs
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU22 THE END
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU23 THANK YOU!!
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU24 Differentiating Curricular elements Content: refers to “input” of the unit – ideas, concepts, information and facts Process: refers to the ways students make their own sense of the content or input. Process is the how of teaching
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU25 Product Product is the output of the unit or the ways students demonstrate their understanding of the content: role-plays, multimedia presentations, brochures, plays, songs, graphic organizers, posters, research papers, essays, videos, etc.
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU26 When organizing a differentiated lesson, ask these ?’s What are the key concepts that every student must know, understand, and be able to do? What is being differentiated? (content, process, product) How is this lesson being differentiated? (readiness, interests, learning profiles)
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU27 Why is this lesson being differentiated? (motivation, access, efficiency)
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU28 THINK/PAIR/SHARE 1. How can you create a learning environment that supports differentiation of instruction? How can you prepare students for differentiation of instruction? What can you do to help students understand their learning differences?
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU29 DI Terms Anchoring Activities: These are done at the beginning of the class period. The teacher provides students with options of things they may work on as an initial exercise. Usually they are a series of tasks. Students move from task to the next as they are completed.
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU30 DI Terms Adjusting Questions: These can be in the form of a daily quiz or question/answer period during which time the teacher determines comprehension of previous class work. The teacher can target interest, readiness, and level of complexity of students.
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU31 DI Terms Tiered Assignments: Providing students a variety of choices, depending on degree of interest, readiness, and complexity.
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU32 DI Terms Learning Contracts: Students are provided with a listing of which tasks are to be completed. Flexible Grouping: Teachers group students according to mixed readiness and/or interest.
Marjorie Hall Haley, PhD - GMU33 K-W-L Differentiated Instruction This is what I know. This is what I want to know. This is what I learned.