The Famous British and American writers Павловская Вера Ивановна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №46» г. Братск
«You are never alone, when you are reading a book»
«The man who doesn’t read good books, has no advantage over the man who can’t read them». Mark Twain
Books and friends should be few but good".
Lately, Ever,Since,Yet,For Recently, Never,Before, Already,So far,Still,Just Memorise them – it’s a must !
3 Regular verbs Irregular verbs played walked done seen
has have He She It I We You They
Present Perfect + - ? He She It have has have played Has... Have... already, just, recently, lately, not yet, never, ever 3 3 has played haven’t played hasn’t played
Listening Listen to the interview. Alex and Alice are speaking about the famous writers and books.Complete the sentences.
The P hotogallery William Shakespeare John R.R.Tolkien Daniel Defoe Lewis Carrol Alexander Milne Pamela Travers James Mattew Barri Joanne K. Rowling
The Photogallery Mark Twain Jack LondonSir A.C.Doyle
Best - loved children’ s books
Match the books with their writers John R.R.Tolkien - «The Hobbit» Lewis Саrrol - «Alice in Wonderland» Sir A.Conan Doyle - « Stories about Sherlock Holmes» Daniel Defoe - «Adventures of Robinson Crusoe» Mark Twain - «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» J.M.Barrie - « Peter Pan» Pamela Travers - « Merry Poppins» « Winnie - the – Pooh » Joanne K.Rowling - «Harry Potter» Alexander Milne - Jack London - « White Fang» William Shakespeare -« Romeo and Juliet»
«The books are divisible into two classes : the books of hour and the books of all time».- (John Rushkin,American writer)
A book is a gift you can open it again and again(Carrison Keilor,an American writer).