微波期中報告 Southern Taiwan University Department of Electronic Engineering A Portable Wireless Monitoring System for Sleep Apnoea Diagnosis Based on Active.


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Presentation transcript:

微波期中報告 Southern Taiwan University Department of Electronic Engineering A Portable Wireless Monitoring System for Sleep Apnoea Diagnosis Based on Active RFID Technology 論文作者: Yang Yang # 1, Nemai Karmakar # 2, Xi Zhu # 3 # Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University Building 72, Clayton Campus, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia 出處: 2011 Engineers Australia 報告人 : 碩研電子一甲 MA 許勝貿

摘要 In order to minimize the physical size of the on-body sensors and to avoid interference with 2.4 GHz wireless applications, the system is designed to operate in the 5.8 GHz ISM band. Each on-body sensor system consists of a physiological signal detection circuit, an analogue-to-digital convertor (ADC), a microcontroller (MCU), a transceiver, a channel selection bandpass filter (BPF) and a narrow band antenna. Instead of dealing with channel selection at baseband, multiple passive BPFs at the RF front-end are adopted to select the desired signals, in order to minimize the power consumption and cost of the overall system. Both the simulated return loss of 21 dB and the measured one of 26 dB have a 10 dB bandwidth of 140 MHz which satisfies the requirements for the reader system. 1

系統設計 2 Fig. 1. Diagram of the portable wireless monitoring system for sleep apnoea diagnosis based on active RFID technology.

3 Fig. 2. Block diagram of the proposed portable on-body sensor/tag system for ECG detection

4 Fig. 3. Flow chart of the on- body sensor system

5 身體感應器之設計 Fig. 4. Configurations of the proposed wireless on-body sensor

6 Fig. 5. Return loss and antenna gain of the 5.8 GHz antenna 結果與討論 Both the simulated return loss of 21 dB and the measured one of 26 dB give a 10 dB bandwidth of 140 MHz which satisfies the requirements from reader system.

Fig. 6. Radiation pattern of the 5.8 GHz circular patch antenna 7 The 3 dB beam-width is about 60 and the front to back ratio is 14 dB.

8 Fig. 7. Photographs of the fabricated (a) 5.8 GHz patch antenna (b) high selectivity BPF

9 結論 A novel portable wireless monitoring system based on active RFID technology for sleep apnoea diagnosis. The design of on-body sensors is extremely challenging due to the limited power consumption and physical size. In order to minimize the power consumption, the passive channel selection BPFs are adoptedat the RF front-end rather than in the baseband. the system is designed to operate in 5.8 GHz ISM band.Therefore, the physical size of passive components can be significantly reduced and the interference with other radios in 2.4 GHz can be effectively eliminated.

心得 10 睡眠呼吸暫停是一種睡眠障礙,會影響到病人的睡眠品質。 導致白天過度嗜睡、疲勞並逐漸影響病人的健康。 此裝置是為了讓醫師方便取得病人的身體資訊來診斷問題的原因。 此種診斷方法如果能成功發展起來,日後可能不用親自前往醫 院也能把自身的身體資訊傳給醫生做檢查。