ANIMAL GROUPING AND ADAPTATIONS A unit exploring how animals survive in their environment Jessica Jamieson EDTC635
AUDIENCE 3 rd grade general/inclusion classroom students in the classroom
PURPOSE AND GOALS The intentions of this unit are to have students become familiar with animal traits that allow the animal to survive in their environment. Students will work within the ideals of Bloom’s Taxonomy, scaffolding to the creation stage. The ultimate goal is to have students be able to apply the ideas of animal adaptations to a situation where are creating an animal and analyzing traits for appropriateness in a given environment.
STANDARDS NJ State Science B.3 B.4 D.1 A.2 C.1 E.1 CCSS English Language Arts RI.3.1 RI.3.2 RI.3.4 RI.3.5 RI.3.7 RI.3.8 RI.3.9 W3.2 W.38 CCSS Speaking and Listening SL3.1 SL3.2 SL3.3 SL3.4 SL3.5 CCSS Technology A.2 A.3 B.1 D.3 D.4 E.1 F.1
OBJECTIVES Part 1 ALW define vertebrate and invertebrate ALW classify animals into groups based on whether they have a backbone ALW report characteristics of different vertebrates and invertebrates ALW compare and contrast the traits of vertebrates and invertebrates Part 2 ALW discuss ways that animals adapt to their environment ALW reason why certain animals can survive in certain environments ALW illustrate various adaptations used by animals for survival Part 3 ALW create an animal based on knowledge of animal traits and adaptations ALW choose adaptations that best fit an animal based on a chosen environment ALW justify the use of certain adaptations in the project
BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Moved through hierarchy using “parts” of the unit. Part 1: Focus: Knowledge and Comprehension Define Classify Report Compare Part 2: Comprehension and Application Discuss Reason Illustrate Part 3: Synthesis And Evaluation Create Choose Justify
TIME FRAME Project will be split into 3 parts. Part 1 Activity 1: approx. 2 days Day 1: Introduce new vocabulary and terms Note taking assignment given and explained Watch Video 1: Vertebrates and take notes Day 2: Watch Video 2: Invertebrates and take notes Submit notes to teacher for review Activity 2: approx. 2 days Day 1: Introduce flipbook project—allow students to watch tutorial Hand out supplies, allow for questions Students begin work independently Day 2: Students work independently on flipbook Wrap up and submission of project
Self assessment and feedback form for Part 1Instructional video for Part 1 content
TIME FRAME Part 2 Activity 1: approx. 3 days Day 1: Introduction to adaptations: watch video with partner List out 5 new facts Day 2-3 (if needed): Teacher-led lesson on adaptations Note taking by students Exit ticket submitted through Drive Activity 2: approx. 3 days Day 1: Introduction to Digital Story Book project Distribute supplies Students begin independent work Day 2-3 Continued independent work Begin and finish voice recordings Submission of project
List of resources available for Part 2 Activity 1, pictured With open ended exit ticket Instructional video component from Part 2 Activity 1 Lucidchart flowchart demonstrating progression Through digital information book project
TIME FRAME Part 3 Activity 1: 1 day Day 1: Whole class preview of Part 3’s activities Complete “Quick Review” with partner Partner discussion Activity 2: approx. 6 days Day 2: Introduce animal adaptation project Hand out materials Begin independent work Days 3-8 Continue with independent project work Submit completed project for grading
Final project directions and listing of accessible project resources Quick review (assessment) video for Part 3 Activity 1
CHECKPOINTS/ASSESSMENTS Part 2: Partner Information check Completed notes Opinion exit ticket submission Digital Information Book Part 1: Completed notes Flipbook Self Rubric submission Part 3: Turn and talk review with partner Animal creation project Adaptation questions
GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Linguistic Recording information book Writing/typing adaptations and reasons Creation and submission of assignments through Docs Discussion opportunities with peers Logical Unit organized into structured parts that are completed in a sequence Each project follows a specific set of directions Logical consideration of which adaptations would be best for the animal of choice Visual Instructional videos Construction and use of Lucidcharts Creation of PP Information book Use of charts and note taking graphic organizers Animal model in final project
GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Body/Kinesthetic Ability to write and type certain parts of the unit Ability to move about the classroom in project completion Zoo activity-students travel to see other projects Building the animal model Interpersonal Working with partners in certain activities Evaluating the adaptations of others’ animals Motivation to produce similar quality products as a peers Intrapersonal Motivation from grades and feedback from teachers and peers Established and well stated goals used by students Naturalistic Central focus of the unit is animals, how they are grouped, and how they survive in an environment Existential Contemplation of the thought: “What would happen if an animal did/did not have a certain adaptation? Why is it so important for animals to adapt and survive?”
GREGORC’S LEARNING STYLES Concrete-Sequential Directions and unit structure clearly laid out Access to all directives for reference Teacher and peer checks/exit tickets for feedback and check ins Abstract-Sequential many opportunities for independent work Logical thinking process in choosing and explaining adaptations Limited requests for opinion Use of straight-forward materials Guided structure to the unit with access to all materials through site Concrete-Random Concept of creating an animal that must survive based on personal choices of adaptations Adaptation or Not? Quick review video Partner work on specific assignments Freedom to choose adaptations and how they affect the animals life No small set time limits for completion (broad timeline) Building the animal Abstract-Random Use of instructional videos Turn and talk opportunities Self reflection through exit tickets and discussions with teacher Building the animal in adaptation project—being able to consult with peers and teachers for approval Student choice for which adaptations to choose No set time limit
BRAINY BITS Sense and Meaning Sense The lesson revolves around discussing and using familiar objects (animals). When new vocabulary and ideas is introduced, that familiarity with the basic traits of animals from previous years is already supported since there is no need to build a data baseline for comprehending these new ideals. The elements of the lesson are supported through quick reviews and turn and talks to maintain a level of “sense”—avoiding the idea that each level is just “more work” Rather, each level of the unit refers back to what was taught previous and accessing prior knowledge—students are never searching for that beginning hook of understanding the concepts of animals and their specific and important traits Meaning Animals are a constant in everyday life, just like people—working to develop the same level of consideration and curiosity in animal survival that the students have for the lives of the people they encounter every day. All students can relate to survival, since they must do certain tasks and functions to stay alive—similar to how animals must maintain certain activities to stay alive Humans have certain adaptations that allow us to function in our every day world—some are not natural adaptations, such as wearing coats or having the ability to cook This creates a sense of meaning because the students can relate with the idea that there are certain traits, qualities, and items needed to stay live given a specific environment. Fostering this relationship between animal survival and human survival is crucial to establishing meaning behind the unit Defining humans as vertebrate mammals will help students recognize their involvement in the world of animals, and hopefully establish a base for connecting to the ideas of ALL animals (including them) needing specific adaptations to survive in their surroundings
BRAINY BITS Difficulty vs. Complexity Complexity This unit uses Bloom’s Taxonomy as a backbone support for all activities—content is scaffolded Part 1 focuses on the beginning levels of Bloom’s (Recall and Comprehension), whereas Part 2 and 3 introduce the higher levels of Bloom’s to facilitate deeper level thinking and creativity (Analysis, Evaluation, and Creation) Since this unit spans the Bloom’s spectrum, it presents a good level of complexity because it does not live in any one level. Rather, it presents activities that develop at all levels, including the highest of creation. Difficulty The 3 parts of the unit balance a manageable level of difficulty given the resources that must be used and the expectations of the tasks at hand. While certain tasks and questions are more difficult, students are supported through the use of notes, videos, and the ability to refer to all materials digitally on the pages. When students enter Part 3, they are required to analyze, evaluate, and create their animals. These directives are delivered over a span of 6 stages, whereas Part 1 asks to students to perform and create within 1 stage. This progression demonstrates a level of increased difficulty through the unit and the trust and confidence that there is support hand-in-hand with challenging materials
BRAINY BITS Motivation In this unit, motivation stems from 4 categories 1.Grades/Rubricking Students will work for grades within this unit. Students understand that grades are a significant reflection of him/her as a student and work to bring home the best grade he or she can. Rubrics will be distributed during every project element so students can gauge their level of work based upon the expectations of the teacher. The rubric goes home as well, so the motivation of parental judgment factors in as well 2.Evaluations—self, peer, and teacher Students will self evaluate conduct and progress using exit slips and Forms—this will hold them accountable for their actions and contributions to the unit given that all input and results are shared with the teacher Students will evaluate peers and vice versa—students will want to work hard to “show off” what they know in all aspects of the unit Teachers will evaluate students using grades and feedback—students will want to work for a “good grade” and the positive praise that accompanies those accomplishments 3.Sense of accomplishment Upon completing 3 parts of a multi-day/week unit, the hope is for students to want that feeling of pride and accomplishment at the very end 4.Accountability Students will be motivated by accountability through grades, projects sent home, and teacher and peer expectations
RESOURCES Gregorc, Anthony. Gregorc Style Delineator. A Self-Assessment Instrument for Adults. Columbia, CT: Gregorc Associates Print. Science. Upper Saddle River: Scott Foresman, Print. Sousa, David A. How the Brain Learns. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, Print. Images: Audience: proposes-thor/u/original/ /shutterstock_ jpg Brainy Bits: Pedagogy: Florida.jpg