John Nicholson George Salter Academy
Teacher Business Manager/finance elements Extended School/Community Admissions SLT link for all Support staff with direct responsibility for Site, IT, Catering SLT link for 2 smaller depts
We are attempting to create a coherent approach to our planning for what was traditionally known as “Extended Schools” by creating one working document that can be used for our: ◦ Academy Development Plan ◦ Co-curriculum sub-committee Terms of Reference
1. To receive reports on how relative funding streams are utilised by the Academy and monitor progress on external funding applications (JNN) 2. To monitor and review the impact of enrichment activities on students, specifically Pupil Premium (inc LAC), Gifted, Talented (JNN, DFo, CCL,HJ, RRE) 3. To monitor and review educational visits, including residentials (CC/JNN) 4. To monitor and review community use of the academy premises and grounds, including the financial position of community (IL/JNN)
5. To monitor and review the impact of community “projects” (IL) 6. To actively promote partnership working between the academy and the local voluntary and community sector (IL/JNN) 7. To encourage innovation, creativity and enterprise by students and staff through business links and offer genuine partnership opportunities that benefit all parties (JNN/JDavoile) 8. To receive and consider revisions to policies which relate directly to the work of this committee (SDa)
Sport related Shared Posts Primary Schools Catering HR Support Other sources In-kind contributions
Sport England – “A new Strategy for Sport – Consultation Document” (Aug 2015) published by DCMS Football Foundation – Streetgames – Primary projects (Pupil Premium- sport), Doorstep Sport, Club 1, Healthy Options, West Bromwich Netball Club, WBBC, Tennis Foundation, Elite Holiday programmes Any other funding stream that can indirectly or directly generate Lettings
Pro’s Generates 15K income towards a post we are not able to afford ourselves Flexible role that supports other areas, e.g. First Aid, Minibus, Design & Technology Con’s Could argue the Site Manager should be able to pick up some items Need a flexible partner school Need a self-motivated, trusted individual who can manage their own time and workload
Pro’s Generates income of circa £25k Strengthen relationships with Primaries Supports admissions process Con’s Need to balance overstaffing against income Very difficult to maintain if staff leave or are absent, especially if it is PPA cover Need to be realistic of outcomes
Pro’s Generates £12k of income Strengthens relationships with Primaries and Community groups Provides additional opportunities for students, e.g. performances, catering Con’s It can create some difficulties at key times, e.g. end of terms, common Yr 11 leaving dates Logistics of transporting food, managing staff who work off-site Some Teachers are difficult to work with, Chef’s can be even worse!
Pro’s On-site, swift support for host school Flexibility to support other areas Strengthens relationships with other schools Con’s Sustainability SLA’s not really enforceable for relatively small amounts – reliance on trust The support needs to be high quality
Children Centre Site Support - £10k University Placements - £3k Minibus donations - £2k Robinsons Chemicals - £3k Supplier donations/agreements – Kyocera Contractor donations – e.g. Ipad raffle to support fundraising for a residential
Summer School funding – circa £40k Post 16 SLA’s with consortium partners - £50k+ IT Technical support – mixed outcomes for us! Duke of Edinburgh
Community groups - Lions of Punjab Sandwell Arts Service Contractor requests for support with student fundraising
Buy – in from teaching staff is essential, from working up a bid through to implementation If the FD is not directly involved in the bid, make sure they have been consulted on any financial elements, with VAT liability worth noting for elements of capital works An initial meeting with one key person can make or break the bid – the difficult part is finding out who that key person is Attention to detail is still hugely important, even when it’s not your money!