A service of Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Certified Application Counselor Program Status Meeting New Dial - Conference Line: code Please MUTE your lines when not speaking (*6) Please do NOT put your line on hold March 24, 2014
A service of Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Certified Application Counselor Program Status Meeting March 24, 2014
AGENDA Welcome/IntroductionsTrainingTesting Future Training and Testing Background checks Role of CAC after open enrollment Job Aides Certification Letters Q & A
Welcome Application Counselor Sponsoring Entities! Leslie Lyles Smith MHBE Director of Operations Jody Zoeller-Hartzell MHBE ACSE Program Manager Tia Witherspoon MHBE Training Manager Aaron Jacobs MHBE Deputy Director of Operations
System Webinar Session #1: 3/21/14 9:00 am – 12:00 pm System Webinar Session #2: 3/24/14 9:00 am – 12:00 pm System Webinar Session #3: 3/24/14 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm System Webinar Session #4: 3/28/14 9:00 am -12:00pm System Webinar Session #5: 3/31/14 9:00 am - 12:00pm System Training 6
3/26 UMBC Tech Center 4/18 Lower Easter Shore Make-up testing dates/ times to be announced. Testing 8
Future Training and Testing
3 day Webinar Series 2 additional sessions have been scheduled. The sessions are: –3/31-4/2/14 from 1p-4p –4/14-4/16 from 1p-4p You will be notified by when enrollment is open Future testing Sites Timonium Worcester Co. Future training dates; future testing sites 10
Certification Letters
Once all the training, testing, and credentialing has been done the certification letter will be sent out in 7-10 days by and mail. –11 Module Web-based Training –Training Webinar –System Webinar –Testing –Credentialing Encrypted Personal Information for MIA Attestation-Scanned and sent to MHBE CAC Certification Process 12
Role of CAC After Open Enrollment
Special Enrollment –Refer to Call Center for life changes Birth/Death Marriage/Divorce Citizenship Release from incarceration Status of American Indian Tribe (recognized) Assisting Medicaid enrollees Outreach & Education Role of CAC after open enrollment 14
Job Aides
Job Aides that will be posted on Google Site –Enrollment Effective Date and Payment Deadlines –Consent forms for establishing an account on behalf of client –Maryland Health Connection Connector Entities Contact Numbers –Income Eligibility Chart –Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms –Contact of Local Health Department and Social Security numbers –Requirement to buy coverage under the ACA beginning in 2014 Job Aides 16
Background Checks
At this time, MHBE has not defined the type of background check needed Each CAC must sign the attestation indicating that they have not been convicted of a felony, a crime of moral turpitude, or any criminal offense involving dishonesty or breach of trust If a CAC has the above they can request from the MIA a written consent –(Please note: Under 18 U.S.C. §1033 and Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) , individuals who have such felony convictions may request written consent from the Commissioner to engage in the business of insurance in the State.) Background Checks 18
Leslie Lyles Smith, Director Operations or Jody Zoeller-Hartzell, ACSE Program Manager or Contact Information 20