FAMU & the 2011 Death of Robert Champion Ima Student PR Research & Strategies, Florida A&M University March 27, 2012 ( death-did-band-target-him-because-he-was-gay/)
The Event: Nov. 19, 2011 Marching 100 drum major Robert Champion dies while returning from the Florida Citrus Bowl. Initial news report: Champion complained he couldn’t breathe; “no foul play suspected at this time.” Rumors begin to spread: Could hazing be the cause? – No forensic answer for weeks ( dath/story?id= #.T1uxZfUeLVo)
Backstory Champion dropped his mace on the field during halftime. He was gay and an outspoken opponent of hazing. He was scheduled to become head drum major in On the ride home, he winds up “crossing Bus C,” getting beaten by fellow band members. 911 call ( A&M-University-dismisses-4-students-amid-suspected- hazing-related-death-of-Robert-Champion)
Media Highlights Nov. 22: President Ammons suspends Marching 100. Nov. 23: Ammons suspends 4 students and “fires” band director Dr. Julian White. Gov. Rick Scott asks FDLE to get involved. By Nov. 25: Story picked up by CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, NYT, Tom Joyner, etc. Nov. 28: Dr. White holds press conference. Champion family announces plans to sue FAMU. ( white-former-famu-band-director/75336) ( a_am_hazings_persisted_d.html)
The Story Continues Nov. 30: Champion’s funeral receives wide media coverage. Dec. 6: FAMU campus leaders sign anti-hazing pledge. Dec. 8: FAMU BOT reprimands Ammons; doesn’t fire him. Dec. 16: FAMU students picket Gov. Scott’s residence. ( hazing-scandal-university-dismisses-four-students-connected-to- death/2011/12/01/gIQA5MTvHO_blog.html) ( 01_archive.html)
The Story Continues Dec. 17: Coroner rules Champion’s death a homicide Bria Hunter suffers broken leg, bruising after being hazed in off-campus incident; three arrested in December. December 2011: FAMU expels then reinstates four students suspected in Champion’s death. famu-hazing-arrests-bria-hunter _1_band- director-julian-white-hazing-death-famu)
The Story Continues January 2012: – Champion family says son’s death is “not a hate crime; it’s a hazing crime.” – Kappa Kappa Psi members accused of spring 2011 hazing incident – Four students charged with hazing five pledges trying to join the Clones clarinet group. February 2012: – Ammons suspends band camp and student organization intake until fall – Ammons forms special anti-hazing committee, urges faculty and students to do research on how to promote “campus safety.” ( family/story?id= #.T1u4ZPUeLVo)
PR Lessons Learned What worked well – Fjsl; – Fdkl; – Fjdkl;s What did not work well – Fjdkl;s – Fdjksl’; – Fjdkl; (
Lessons for FAMU Do this … – Do this … Don’t do this … – Don’t do this … (