Heredity vs. Culture Student Notes Ms. Blackhurst Sociology Chapter 5
What is culture? Knowledge, values, customs, and physical objects that are shared by members of a society Culture defines how members in a society behave in relation to others and to physical objects Unlike most animals, human behavior is LEARNED and based on our culture
Sociological Traits These traits can change with time These traits may not apply to all cultures
Role of Heredity Why is culture more important than instinct in humans? Instincts—innate (unlearned) patterns of behavior Nonhuman animals are highly dependent on instinct to survive Instincts are not enough to solve the problems that humans face Humans rely mainly on culture to learn how to think, feel, and behave
Nature vs. Nurture Monkeys were given 2 mothers a wire framed mom and soft terrycloth mom. When monkeys ate they had to get food from the wire frame mom When monkeys were scared they would take refuge with the soft terrycloth monkey. Hence the socialization between mother and child is not made by feeding but through physical contact.
Nature vs. Nurture Isolated monkeys could not function well in monkey communities as adults. They were rejected by other monkeys. When made mothers, the isolated monkey mothers were brutal mothers; kicking, hitting, and trying to crush the babies. Different time tables of isolation provided different results. Suggesting a critical time period for socialization to take place.
Role of Heredity Genetics also play a role in human behavior Nature vs. Nurture About ½ (50%) of your personality is determined by your genetic make-up (biological factors) and the remaining ½ (50%) is determined by your environment (sociological factors) Based on Twin Studies
Role of Heredity Reflexes – simple, biologically inherited, automatic reactions to physical stimuli ex: a baby cries when pinched pupils contract in bright light Drives – impulses to reduce discomfort Ex: We want to eat, drink, sleep, and associate with others
Role of Heredity These genetically inherited personality traits do not control human behavior e.g. Some cultures teach boys not to cry in pain while other cultures encourage more expression of pain
Identify which of the following are: Drives (D), Reflexes (R), Instincts (I), and creations of Culture (C) eye blinking in a dust storm _________ need for sleep ___________________ reaction to a loud noise ____________ socialism _______________________ reproduction_____________________ racial inequality___________________
Identify which of the following are Drives (D), Reflexes (R), Instincts (I), and creations of Culture (C) eye blinking in a dust storm -- REFLEX need for sleep -- DRIVE reaction to a loud noise -- REFLEX socialism – CULTURE Reproduction -- INSTINCT racial inequality -- CULTURE
Socialization Process through which individuals learn basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior appropriate for society Are we socialized by our genetics or by our culture? What did John Locke believe? –Every child born with no personality, this develops through their experiences
Think about… …your personality. Did it come from nature or nurture?
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