Socialization & Gender Differences
1. What is Socialization? The process by which children learn to adapt to the lifestyle of their culture and interact with others in positive ways.
Examples Please and thank-you Keeping elbows off table Men holding doors open for women
2. What is gender typing? The process by which children learn the behaviors their culture defines as appropriate to their gender.
Examples Men holding doors for women (“Ladies first”) Girls like jewelry and hair accessories.
3. What do children between the ages of 3 & 6 years believe about gender roles? That each gender has a set of exclusive “roles”, that there is a “list” of things that are okay for boys to do, but not for girls, etc. They believe these rules are very rigid
4. How do children learn gender roles through vicarious reinforcement? oThey see adults of the same gender being rewarded by the opposite gender for certain behaviors. This increases the likelihood that the child will repeat the behavior of the same gender adult. They learn these behaviors through observation.
Examples Mom makes a pie – Dad compliments her and gives her a hug; Little girl watches and believes that one way to get attention from boys is to bake pies.
5. What is Aggression? Any behavior intended to hurt another
Examples Physical aggression – more common in boys Verbal aggression – more common in girls Disobedience & lack of cooperation – no difference between boys and girls
6. How does society influence the expression of aggression? Society sometimes rewards and sometimes punishes aggression –Reward: athletics, protecting someone who is defenseless –Punishes: acts of aggression by boys against girls, against someone less able, fights in school