Otherworld journey Historical apocalypse Letter to seven churches in Asia Minor Prophecy Prediction of future
Not the apostle John or the author of the Gospel of John Different theology, use of language. Does not say saw self among apostles (Rev 4: 4)
Date of writing of Revelation: Started in 60s AD (reign of Nero) Finished c. 95 AD (reign of Domitian)? Social context: Persecutions of Christians. John in exile from these on Patmos (Rev 1: 9)
John’s vision of Christ (Rev 1: 12-20; recall Dan 7: 13) Two sets of visions (Rev 4-11 and 12-22) Whore of Babylon (Rev 17, esp. vv. 1-9, 18; see also Rev 20: 2-3) Babylon = Rome
The number of the beast: 666/616 (Rev 13: 7-8, 14-18) Gematria Sybilline Oracles By gematria… Neron = 666Nero = 616
Violent repetitions for dramatic effect Reassurance of divine intervention, soon! Warning (Rev 14: 9-12)