George Floyd Taylor
Urgency Need to know the truth of personal Spirit Baptism Need to know the truth of personal Spirit Baptism And the place of Pentecostals in the history of the church And the place of Pentecostals in the history of the church
Progressive Theology God continues to reveal new truths in history God continues to reveal new truths in history Revelation as measure by measure Revelation as measure by measure Experience a pledge of things to come Experience a pledge of things to come
Operations of the Spirit 1. Convicts sin 1. Convicts sin 2. Justifies and regenerates 2. Justifies and regenerates 3. Sanctifies 3. Sanctifies 4. Witnesses to the believers justification 4. Witnesses to the believers justification 5. Teaches the believer to perceive spiritual things 5. Teaches the believer to perceive spiritual things 6. Anoints Christians for special acts 6. Anoints Christians for special acts 7. Baptizes believers into the body of Christ 7. Baptizes believers into the body of Christ
Grace three tiered Justification - actual sin Justification - actual sin Sanctification - inbred sin Sanctification - inbred sin Baptism of the Holy Spirit - power for service Baptism of the Holy Spirit - power for service The three were the main events The three were the main events The teaching and witnessing operations of the Spirit were ongoing and repetitive activities - it is in this sense that Jesus also required the work of the Spirit. The teaching and witnessing operations of the Spirit were ongoing and repetitive activities - it is in this sense that Jesus also required the work of the Spirit.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit Qualitative versus quantitative Qualitative versus quantitative Spiritual and physical Spiritual and physical “sacramental” Validation through manifestation - tongues being the sign manifestation as a known foreign language “sacramental” Validation through manifestation - tongues being the sign manifestation as a known foreign language Reversal of Babel Reversal of Babel Need to tarry Need to tarry Spiritual gifts and natural talents Spiritual gifts and natural talents
End Times Persecution Persecution New revelations by God are always met with hostility New revelations by God are always met with hostility Bride of Christ Bride of Christ Ranks in God’s kingdom Ranks in God’s kingdom
David Myland
Latter Rain Covenant (1910) Possible interpretations Possible interpretations Historical/ literal Spiritual/ typological Dispensational/prophetical
Deut 11:13-15 Literal – spring and autumn rains Typological – Justification and Spirit Baptism Prophetical – Spirit Baptism and Second Coming
Full Gospel Message Second blessing language and progressive layers of spirituality Second blessing language and progressive layers of spirituality Tripartite Beings – body/soul/spirit Tripartite Beings – body/soul/spirit
Tongues as Sign No distinction between gifts of the Spirit and tongues as sign of Spirit Baptism No distinction between gifts of the Spirit and tongues as sign of Spirit Baptism Tongues the least of all the gifts Tongues the least of all the gifts