Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer,C.Rly. S&T WORKSHOP BYCULLA Shri R.C.AGRAWAL, Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer,C.Rly.
Background Established in 1911 for the general repairs & maintenance of interlocking equipments during semaphore era Manufacturing and Overhauling of Block Instruments, CLS units started after independence. Training center started in the year 1968 Manufacturing of Axle Counter started in 1976
Certified ISO 9001-2000 on 10th Nov 2003. The workshop overhauls/repairs 28 S&T Items Manufactures 122 S&T Items presently.
Annual turn over for 2005-06 was ____________Crores. There has been constant reduction in the manpower. The manpower reduced from ______in the year 1995-96 to ________ in the year 2005-06.
This is the only workshop manufacturing SGE double line block instruments and SPT Machine. Other major products are:- Universal Axle Counter (4D) Signal units complete with lense and transformer Ground connections Track Lead Junction boxes ARE Terminals Magneto Telephones MECR
The targets fixed for the year 2006-07 is Rs. 105 lakh per month The targets fixed for the year 2006-07 is Rs.105 lakh per month. The production in the first 4 months has been as follows:- First 4 monthsProductionAPRILMAYJUNEJULY
The targets as decided in the beginning includes:- Rs.__________ lakh from the manufacturing of Axle Counters Rs.__________ lakh from the manufacturing of SPT Points m/c. The target is being achieved in June and July 2006 in spite of no contribution from these products, which amounted _______% of the total target.
In the month of July,’06 11 Nos SGE Blocks were manufactured, which is the highest in the history of the Workshop. The target for SGE Block is 6 Nos. 5000 ARE Terminals were manufactured against the target of 3000 nos. It is planned to sustain this higher production and the following revised targets have been fixed :- ItemRevised TargetPresent TargetSGE Block Instrument106ARE Terminals50003000Signal Units Including FRB170150Major Group relays
New Products started in this Financial Year:- Lifting barrier boons H-type FRP Signal units FRP TLJB units Track connections for AFTC
Major Shops:-
Budget:- Revised Grant 2005-06 and Expenditure 2006-07 Budget Grant and funds required August Review Expenditure in first 4 months.
Staff:- Sanctioned Strength Men on Roll Total monthly salary of Officers, Supervisors Artisans & Labours
M&P for machines Proposals for Modernization and repair of Machines: Sanctioned: Proposed Being proposed in the current financial year
Workshop building requires lot of maintenance inputs, for which 2 proposals under Law Book sent were turn down by GM for being too late. Proposal for modernization of the Canteen is being processed on out of turn basis ( total cost Rs.________) 4 proposals under DWP (2 Civil engineering and 2 Electrical) are being chased with Bombay Division. One proposal under Works Programme costing Rs._____________ is being sent.
The Workshop needs to procure 900 different raw materials to maintain the target of production. Many of the items are not of commercial use. Hence, vendors need to be developed exclusively for the Workshop only. Due to Limited requirement for low value materials. It is difficult to develop commercial grade ancillary units.
Being a centralized production unit, there are large number of industrial relation issue to be handled on daily basis. Total number of 12 PNM and 12 Review meetings are to be conducted in the workshop. In addition, regular informal meeting with SC/ST unions are to be conducted. There is no APO or SPO attached to the Workshop. Technical Officers themselves look after the entire function of establishment matters in respect of Workshop staff.
Assistance Required from Headquarters:-