Welcome to Year 2 Classes Ash and Oak Class Ash Mrs White – Class Teacher Mrs Buckland–TA Mrs Sansom- HLTA/TA Mrs Freeman Class Oak Mr Erroll– Class Teacher Mrs Dunn-TA ( Mon & Tues) Mr Massally-TA ( Wed, Thurs & Fri)
Curriculum Our topic theme this half-term is ‘Great Fire of London’ and where possible many of our classroom activities will be linked to this. Literacy Retelling traditional stories, list poems ( sentence structure, story language and structure and characters ) Numeracy Place value, counting 2, 5 and 10, addition and subtraction, Science Materials- sorting materials, looking at properties, investigating properties, observing changes History Great fire of London- Asking questions such as What, why, when did it happen? How do we know about it. Art Investigating line, colour and texture- hot colours, creating fire pictures RE Signs and symbols-around us, main faith symbols, symbolic behaviour in Christian and Muslim faiths ICT Creating pictures and patterns using colour magic. Using a range of tools to create fire pictures. PE Throwing and catching with increasing accuracy, making up simple games and creating simple dances PHSE Feelings, class rules, targets, listening, friendship and right and wrong, feeling safe DT Next Half Term Music Pitch and tempo ( high and low, fast and slow)
P.E. and Art Equipment P.E. kits and aprons should be kept in school. Please ensure PE kits are in school every day. As we head towards colder days, please provide your child with tracksuit bottoms. If you wish you may want to provide your child with a painting apron, although we do have some in school. Please ensure ALL items are labelled, including trainers/plimsols
Home-learning is used to support and consolidate the pupils learning. This includes reading, spelling and activities on the grids. We expect that parents will support the tasks and that all activities will be completed to a high standard.. Home-learning grid is given for the half term related to what the children are learning in class. One activity needs to be completed each week and handed in by Wednesday. Words and sounds being learnt that week will be sent home on a Monday and the children be sent home on a Monday and the children will be assessed on a Friday.
We aim to hear your child read twice a week in Year 2, however, there may be times when this is not possible for example when we have a visit or activity in school. Please read for at least 10 minutes with your child everyday It is important to read a variety of materials not just schoolbooks Read longer books to your child as it helps to develop language Reading
Scaffolding reading SHARED READING INDEPENDENT READING GUIDED READING Guided reading is the main teaching slot % accuracy Shared reading- adult reads and makes overt what good readers do through modelling. 80%-90% accuracy Independent reading- children practise with little adult help. 95%- 100% accuracy-
Reading Records to record when we or you hear your child read their school reading book.to record when we or you hear your child read their school reading book. You may wish to write about a book they have enjoyed reading at homeYou may wish to write about a book they have enjoyed reading at home Please state when your child has finished reading the book so it can be changed. They will be expected to hand them in for this to happen.Please state when your child has finished reading the book so it can be changed. They will be expected to hand them in for this to happen. Please ensure your child brings this to school every day.
Reading is….. Like cabbage!! You either love it or hate it. It depends how it was served as a child! Make reading fun!
Communication Note to school with child Mornings After school Make an appointment through the school office Parent consultation evening Communication is two way process. Please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any queries or concerns and we will do our very best to help in any way we can. Communication is two way process. Please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any queries or concerns and we will do our very best to help in any way we can. And vice-versa, we will contact you if we have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s learning or behaviour. And vice-versa, we will contact you if we have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s learning or behaviour.
Uniform, jewellery, valuables Correct school uniform. Clothing and equipment should be clearly named. Jewellery/ valuables should not be brought to school. Lost Property!
E-safety We take the safety of your children very seriously. We would like to draw your attention to this website - this website -thinkuknow.co.uk/parents The video clip is 25 mins long, so we don’t have time to show it today, but please take time to look at it even if you have looked at it before. The video clip is 25 mins long, so we don’t have time to show it today, but please take time to look at it even if you have looked at it before.
Parental help Do you have any spare time? We are always looking for parents to come in to help, preferably on a regular basis. It could be for half an hour or half a day a week to help with reading, sticking etc. This will be subject to DBS forms from office Do you have any skills we could call on during the year? For example crafting, gardening, cooking, languages or sports.
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