The Word of God Chapter 2
The Holy Writings of God God speaks to us through the __________ Cite one thing St. Paul shares with the Thessalonians regarding Sacred Scripture List the types of writings found in the Bible
The Canon of Scripture What role did the Holy Spirit play in the writing of the Bible? There are ________ Old Testament books and ________ New Testament books in the Bible Read Genesis 17:1-6 and describe in your own words the meaning of the word covenant
The Old Testament The Torah: Also known as the ____________ is made up of the first _________ books of the Old Testament. The Historical Books: There are ______ of these books and they tell about the ways in which the Israelites lived out the _________ The Wisdom Books: There are _______ books and they teach helpful ways to live God’s _______ The Prophetic Books: These books are written by __________ and there are _________ of these books
The New Testament The Four Gospels: The word “gospel” means _______ ________. State two important teachings of the Gospels Acts of the Apostles: Written by _______ ________, it tells the history of the early _________ The Epistles and Letters: Many are written by ________ ________. There are a total of ______ and they teach us ways to live as ___________ of Jesus Book of Revelation: This is the ________ book of the New Testament and encourages Christians to remain ____________ to Jesus
Reverence for the Bible Saint Jerome wrote that, “Ignorance of the __________ is ignorance of __________ Name 2 places scripture or reading of the Bible is present in our lives