English Language IGCSE Timeline and key dates September 2015 to May 2016 IGCSE coursework: deadline for 11.3; 11.6 and 11.8 22 nd October 2015 The coursework.


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Presentation transcript:

English Language IGCSE Timeline and key dates September 2015 to May 2016 IGCSE coursework: deadline for 11.3; 11.6 and nd October 2015 The coursework component of the IGCSE English Language specification is a portfolio of three pieces of writing worth 40% of their final grade. The component allows students to develop a personal style and awareness of the audience being addressed across a range of writing. Students have been given the opportunity to craft, redraft and hone their skills in response to a range of topical issues, current debate and personal interests. Support your child by: - encouraging them to practise their re- drafting skills by having them read and correct their own writing in preparation for writing section of the exam - encouraging them to develop their writing skills by practising their grammar and punctuation skills on SAM Learning or by searching ‘grammar and punctuation games’ on the internet - Ensuring they attended any targeted Period 7 sessions after school for support in re- drafting Speaking and Listening practice and exam: March The speaking and listening exam is worth 20% of their final grade. It is excellent preparation for interviews, presentations, public speaking, and the internally assessed component of the International Baccalaureate. Students develop confidence, skill and resilience as speakers, as well as being able to share their personal interests by presenting on a topic of their choice for 3-4 minutes to their teacher followed a 6 minute discussion (these are recorded). Students will have opportunities to generate, practice and present as orators throughout KS4 and will return to ideas and targets set in class in preparation for their final exam in March. Support your child by: - Ensuring that they prepare over the Christmas break as this will be their key home-learning task. Listen to their speech and ask them questions about it - encouraging them to speak in full sentences and expand on their ideas; you might find it helpful to watch the news together and discuss some of the stories that interest you IGCSE English exam revision for 11.3, 11.6 and 11.8 begins in November for December mock exam and continues March to May 2016 Worth 40% of their final grade, students will sit either the Core (1.5 hours) or Extended (2 hours) reading paper (exam) which assesses their ability to understand meaning; select, analyse and evaluate what is relevant; and understand how writers achieve effects. In helping them prepare for the exam: - encourage them to read widely. This means reading a variety of different texts, and often; they should be reading every day. You might find it helpful to read with your child, especially topical texts such as broadsheet newspapers and articles online - complete practice papers with them (these will be available from their English teacher in advance of the exam and will be used in lessons also) - encourage your child to develop their writing skills by practising their grammar and punctuation skills on SAM Learning or by searching ‘grammar and punctuation games’ on the internet. Accurate and ambitious punctuation, spelling and grammar are crucial to securing top marks in the writing sections English IGCSE exam May (date tbc but likely to be the 3 rd or 4 th May) By the exam, students will have completed 60% of their English Language GCSE and should feel confident about capitalising on this in the exam. They will have sat a number of mock exams and have been taught exam strategies and skills in lessons to apply on the day. To best support them in their final chapter: - encourage them to revise consistently and attend targeted revision sessions - ensure that they are getting enough sleep, eating properly, and taking breaks throughout the exam period Literature Controlled Assessment (Unit 3): assessment week 2 nd – 6 th November 2015 The controlled assessment for Literature is worth 25% of their final grade. Students complete one extended assessment task (AQA) or two for Edexcel which asks them to make links and comparisons between a play from Shakespeare and another text(s). Students sit the assessment in timed, controlled conditions within school time however, they can spend time preparing for it outside of class time. For students sitting Edexcel in 11.3 and 11.8, they should attend any targeted Period 7 sessions after school for support incompletion if not yet completed. Mock Exam (Unit 2 – Poetry across time) w/c 7th December English Literature AQA and Edexcel: Prose/play exam : 23 rd May and poetry exam 27 th May Students will sit two exams for Literature whether AQA or Edexcel. The first is the prose/play exam. For Edexcel candidates, this is worth 50% of their final grade and is 1.45 hours. For AQA candidates, this is worth 40% of their final grade and is 1.5 hours. The second exam on the 22 nd May is poetry; for Edexcel candidates, this is worth 25% of their final grade and is 1.45 hours. For AQA candidates, this is worth 35% of their final grade and is 1.5 hours. They will have sat a mock exam and practice papers in class To best support them in this, the final chapter: - encourage them to revise consistently and attend targeted revision sessions - ensure that they are getting enough sleep, eating properly, and taking breaks throughout the exam period English Literature GCSE Timeline and key dates September 2015 to May 2016 During mock exam week, Literature only students will sit either the AQA exam for poetry (Unit 2) which they will begin studying in November. In Section A, they answer one question, from a choice of two, on the poetry cluster they have studied. The question will ask them to compare a poem named in the exam paper with another poem, chosen by them from the cluster. In Section B, they write a response to an unseen poem. Support your child by: - Ensuring they have annotated and revised all 15 poems in their anthology (there is a wealth of online support for AQA on the BBC Bitesize website as well as Mr Bruff’s shorts on Youtube) - Ensure they have revised poetic techniques using their SMILE guide Students will spend lesson time in the Spring term studying the set text(s) for the ‘Modern Text’ exam (AQA) or ‘Understanding Prose’ exam (Edexcel) Support your child by: - Ensuring they have re-read the set texts and have made revision cards on themes; character; setting; writer’s use of language and the novel’s social and historical context. They need to know the whole text. -The BBC Bitesize website has overviews and revision notes for the texts studied on either course and there are a number of on-line study guides such as Spark Notes which provide an overview and analysis of each novel studied (Of Mice and Men and Animal Farm). -students are marked for accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar so continue to encourage them to develop their writing skills by practising their grammar and punctuation skills on SAM Learning or by searching ‘grammar and punctuation games’ on the internet English Literature modern text study and exam revision January to May